
“Searching for Universal Language in Geometric Yi ”(幾何易-宇宙共通語言的尋找). This is the English web version of "Mind DNA,The Geometric World of Spiritual Symbols" (心靈DNA,靈性符號的幾何世界) by Satyavan He (何建桐 He Jiantong).The English translation of Chapters 1, 2 and 4 has been confirmed, and Chapter 3 is under revision.


Chapter 2: From Macrocosm to Microcosm (2/6)

*Translated from Chinese to English using ChatGPT3.5. It will be continued to be revised.(first revision 2023.6.11)

*Click here to view the original web version in Chinese:ch,2.

Chapter 2: From Macrocosm to Microcosm 

     Section 1: The Sanskrit Alphabet and Chakras
  Section 2: Cosmic Cyclic Evolution 
  Section 3: Microvita as Basic Elements for Mind and Matter
  Section 4: The Geometry Interface of Light between Inner and Outer Worlds
  Note 24-66

  Pythagoras used science as a means to purify the soul, but in history, his ideal was never truly realized. His vision never became mainstream in human society. On the contrary, there has always been an unresolved conflict between science and religion/spirituality. This contradiction has long dominated the development of Western civilization. Today, living in the age of science, many things that seem clear and self-evident are actually just projections of hidden and mysterious things that cannot be understood.
  Plato (427-347 BC), who came after Pythagoras, presented an interesting allegory called "The Cave" in Book VII of The Republic, through the mouth of his teacher Socrates:
  Imagine a deep cave where a group of people have been imprisoned since childhood. Their heads, necks and feet are bound so they cannot move or turn their heads; they can only look forward at the rock wall at the bottom of the cave. Behind them is a fire burning on high ground with a low wall separating it from those prisoners like a screen set up for puppeteers to perform above it with puppets made out of wood or stone or other materials passing over it.
   Now imagine some people carrying various objects over this wall including figures made out of wood or stone or other materials as well as animals etc., these poor prisoners can only see what's happening by looking at shadows cast on the rock wall opposite them which is all they've ever seen - not themselves nor each other nor anything behind them except for shadows projected onto this surface by whatever passes over their line-of-sight.
  What these imprisoned people perceive as reality is nothing more than shadows.
   If they were freed from their bonds and gained freedom to move around then they would see what formed those shadows; if they left this cave altogether then they would see an even more real world under sunlight full of richness and variety beyond measure.
  The reality of life and existence is layer upon layer of caves and the exploration between endless darkness and light.
  A short poem by Polish female poet Wislawa Szymborska24 titled "Three Oddest Words" may be engraved at the entrance of the cave.:
     When I pronounce the word Future,
     the first syllable already belongs to the past.

     When I pronounce the word Silence,
     I destroy it.

     When I pronounce the word Nothing,
     I make something no non-being can hold.

 People always want to give the world some sort of meaning, but no matter what meaning it is, it is only a fleeting shadow. The ultimate reality far exceeds the scope of all forms of language. Mythology, religion, philosophy, literature, art, and science are all projections of the ultimate reality on the cave walls. Can people really break free from bondage and fight for their own freedom? The reality is often that people pray to distance themselves from all things worldly and hide in deep mountain caves. Sometimes this is a necessary process of mental exercise, and sometimes it is just a simple escape.
     It is said that some masters live in seclusion in deep mountain caves for many years and work hard to cultivate themselves. When the author was young, he longed for it but could not do it. Day by day, time passed quietly, and after twenty or thirty years, he only slightly understood that the city he lived in was another form of cave, and the real deep mountain cave was a luxury. The desire to find a cave has always been hidden in his heart, where he may find the real "light."
     Later, he began to learn about the spiritual civilization of India and felt that he was getting closer to the caves of the Himalayas.
     Imagine coming to a cave in the Himalayas, empty and no one at home, maybe the master has gone down the mountain. At the entrance of the cave, there are no "Three Oddest Words," but some Sanskrit mantras or poems:
     Yadrshii bha'vana' yasya siddhirbhavati ta'drshii
     (Whatever you think, you become.)
A familiar saying goes, "As you think in your heart, so you will become." One day, what you have been thinking of will come true. Regardless of the outcome, if you shout out the word "silence" into a cave that is empty and void, it will echo back faithfully with "silence". Let us hold onto hope for the future and focus not on whether it is real or not but rather on how life can continue to move forward because of it.

Section 1: Sanskrit Alphabet and Chakras
  The Sanskrit25 alphabet consists of fifty letters, including 16 vowels and 34 consonants. These letters correspond to the seven main chakras26 in the body's energy system, which are associated with three levels of life - physical, mental, and spiritual consciousness (body, mind, spirit). Physiologically speaking, these chakras connect the heart and body through glands, sub-glands27, nerves etc., forming a triad of physical body-emotion-thought.
   A person's habit or tendency of the mind (vrtti) reflect internal spiritual vibrations that manifest outwardly. They represent accumulated karma that is expressed through neural and blood28pathways. The seed of these habits lies in the brain; their initial expression occurs within the pineal gland at the crown chakra or pituitary gland outside it. Hormonal waves produced by these glands resonate outwards via nerve impulses.
   The number of vrttis depends on bodily complexity; more complex structures have more vrttis29. Typically humans possess one thousand types of vrtti but only fifty are superficially apparent. The crown chakra contains all one thousand types hence its name Sahasrara Cakra (meaning "one thousand" in Sanskrit).
   Each chakra controls specific vrttis which each have their own sound root - this is how the fifty Sanskrit30 sounds originated.

  Figure 2.1 Vrtti means habit or tendency of the mind. The number of Vrttis in the crown chakra is 50 x 2 x 10 = 1000, where 2 represents the outward and inward production and feedback, or the manifestation and inherent nature of the same thing, such as thoughts being expressed externally while also existing internally. The number 10 refers to the ten directions31 including eight spatial directions and up-down.

  The fifty Sanskrit sounds represent basic human vocalizations used to construct language from scratch - from fine thoughts to coarse expressions- inside-outside creation process over a long period. Initially, the vibration of thought and corresponding material vibrations resonate together; these materials control physiological activity via hormones and nerves allowing thoughts to manifest outwardly in the world while external phenomena can shape internal thoughts. Thus, the world is both idealistic and materialistic - there must be a common element between mind and matter that creates a stage or architectural structure for their interaction within space-time. This structure must ultimately be geometric since geometry describes space most fundamentally; even mathematics is just limited rationality describing spatial geometry again32.
  The sacred geometry originating from ancient Egypt and Greece believes that everything in the world is created from geometry, and everything can be presented in its fundamental geometric form. This concept of geometry is an intuitive result of the mind facing space. When external intuition and internal perception are integrated, one enters into the mysterious realm of spirituality. It is considered mystical because limited individual rationality has not yet developed to a level sufficient to understand it. In ancient times, this situation was naturally attributed to religious or similar cultural levels. However, the spirit of science is revealing layer after layer of these mysterious veils without damaging their beauty but rather making people more amazed at the miraculous greatness of creation.
Various spiritual symbols in religion mainly express a geometric shape, which means they convey a wave that can be expressed as geometry or even sound or any other imaginable form of expression.
Through the practice of Vipassana(內觀internal seeing as things really are)33, each chakra in yoga has its own shape, sound root, color and other attributes.
  The eight trigrams (Qian Kun Gen Dui Kan Li Zhen Xun) represent eight major natural phenomena: heaven-earth-mountain-marsh-water-fire-thunder-wind(天地山澤水火雷風)respectively(marsh and lake , collection of water澤). These correspond to cakras34 ,than combine itself into sixty-four hexagrams which correspond to fifty Sanskrit sounds as well as being integrated into a cube with sixty-four hexagrams or Stan Tenen's twenty-seven Hebrew letters'35 geometric structures. The names of these trigrams express external phenomena/internal psychological activities corresponding to sound wave vibrations (based on eight representative natural phenomena forming an 8x8 matrix). As part of nature humans' psychological/social activities are included.
  At a more microscopic level of the mind-body structure, the geometric aspect of language may be playing an encoding role. In other words, 27 links the relationship between language and geometry, 64 links DNA and geometry, and 50 according to yoga theory links language with glands, nerves, body-mind cakra energy system ultimately associated with geometry - which is the common foundation of all mind-body aspects. Taking OM' sound as an example, it is a combination of AUM. According to Hebrew text A can be confirmed as Qian Gua (if based on Sanskrit 50 phonetic system then A like other 15 single or prual vowels are placed in throat chakra vibration element). The throat chakra's sixteen vowels correspond to sixteen vrtti tendencies or emotional inclinations. Open-mouthed A corresponds to peacock sound s'ad'aja first note while puckered U corresponds to cuckoo sound paincama fifth note; closed-mouth M corresponds to consonant reproductive Cakra Dui Gua third note - this refers specifically to the eight trigrams Gua system and must be further converted into observation on point 27 of the 64 hexagrams Gua system. Therefore there can be many different hexagram sequences on Taiji MKB geometric structure but they all go through three hexagrams: A→U→M. These hexagram sequence paths that share a common A→U→M sequence are many different aspects towards reaching the peak represented by AUM. 
     The Eight Trigrams Gua are program symbols based on basic interaction between cosmic energy's Yin-Yang Qi within our existence in three-dimensional space which manifests into human body-mind energy systems known as cakras or finally reduced from Taoist perspective into lower-middle-upper Dan(三丹) controlling essence-energy-spirit states respectively. During Eastern Han Wei Boyang(魏伯陽) systematically combined Zhou Yi theory with Taoist physical practice for mental cultivation in Zhou Yi Cantong Qi(周易參同契). This combination has its own origin. At the basic geometric level, there is indeed a common prototype structure between Zhou Yi, Taoism and cakras which becomes a common language. Although inner proof(內證), internal seeing(內觀)and inner scenery(內景) in traditional spiritual cultivation are empirical they are similar to scientific theory as they only approximate truth reality. Therefore different cultures have different descriptions of the same person's body-mind energy and these descriptions are considered a microcosm of the universe where humans represent concrete yet microscopic small universes while large-small universes form simple analogies that become deeply rooted concepts in human culture.
  However overly simplified analogy knowledge often leads to erroneous links with surface phenomena but it always dominates so-called faith causing actors on stage to be too immersed in their roles forgetting that they are just actors. Humans tend to use faith to cover up deep internal fears about unknowns; rationality and logic become science's faith. We who are still evolving must also admit the limitations and inadequacies of this current rational-logical state we find ourselves in. The differences between science, philosophy, religion, literature and art aren't actually that great - methods for inner proof during spiritual cultivation accurately reflect humanity's efforts towards breaking through this predicament; this is an area where spiritual world intersects with material world allowing free expression of mystical experiences while not excluding active exploration by rational logic.
 The Dao that can be spoken is not the eternal Dao(道可道,非常道); seeking ultimate truth reality can only approach it - evolution is the process of approaching.

 Section 2: Cosmic Cyclic Evolution
  Human understanding of the universe has been established through a combination of sensory experiences with the external material world and intuition towards the internal spiritual world. This has given rise to both religion and science36, which are like two children sitting on opposite ends of a seesaw, constantly balancing each other in motion. Macroscopically, this is actually the complete picture of human life. The ideal state is for science to promote religion's return to its spiritual essence while religion warns science against the danger of objectification. They are two sides of one entity that reflect human dualistic brain cognition.
  Human perception of all things has biological and physiological foundations due to our highly differentiated left and right brains. If we imagine that the human brain is not just divided into left and right hemispheres but also functions as an integrated whole, then our worldview would be significantly different; we could even say that reality itself is merely an imagined result under inertial effects from our brains. From our perspective observing the world, it may be possible that if we switched brains with someone else, we would switch positions too - try comparing yourself at three years old versus thirty years old; who is closer to reality? It's hard to say for sure.
  Is there a possibility beyond dualistic brain cognition? The prototype of thought exists in consciousness microscopically and communicates with external macroscopic information through neural operations in the brain. Language already provides us with a clear answer: "Use your mind and think with brain carefully." Therefore, we have consciousness as a unified prototype for everything existing alongside our brains as prototypes receiving information links between inside and outside worlds. Humans are like companies where consciousness and mind serves as CEO while their brains serve as general managers.
  Do you remember Plato's cave? In this cave world, people's mind are like flames while what their eyes see via their brains' interpretation only shows shadows on walls; outside this cave lies brighter sunlight and the universe that creates it. The earliest description of the universe came from mythology, which later evolved into religion as society developed. At this point, understanding of the universe reflected more human characteristics rather than just natural ones; myths became religions with strong human colors. Thus, the social system not only distributes material and mind resources, but also controls the spiritual resources. From the divine right of kings to today's democracy, this class spirit that permeates every aspect of body and mind has not completely disappeared. "Freedom" is likely just an illusion, and only by maintaining such awareness can we truly emerge from the cave.
  Let us step out of the dualistic caves of religion and science to explore the mystery behind our cosmic existence where tangible and intangible worlds intertwine.
  P.R.Sarkar's39 Brahma Cakra is a modern interpretation based on geometric principles combining traditional esotericism37 with yoga38 practice for cosmic evolution that includes three levels: spiritual consciousness, mental philosophy imagination deduction, and physical matter40. It links traditional philosophical cosmology with pure thought experiments about the universe while incorporating modern scientific understandings about its creation. Therefore, spirituality's intuition towards religious mythological metaphors for universes connects with mental philosophy's imaginative deductions about universes as well as physics' empirical logical rationality regarding universes through geometry's common language between them all - something preserved in ancient civilizations via spiritual symbols such as Taiji Yi Gua, sacred geometries like Flower of Life or Hexagram Star or Yantra41 while explored by science in terms of space-time structures representing prototypes for space-time itself.
  The simplest spatial representation can be expressed as a regular tetrahedron consisting four equilateral triangles since each triangle has three equal sides; thus geometry allows minimal energy consumption for maximum creativity during universal creation similar to physical motion or social life among humans - there are economic principles governing everything in this world: Creating something out of nothing, no more than three.
  Sarkar proposed the concept of Brahma Cakra42, which integrates traditional spiritual philosophy with modern scientific perspectives on the cyclical evolution of the universe. Brahma refers to the Cosmic Entity, while Cakra is a metaphor for its rotating cycle. This rotation and cycle are universal laws that apply from basic particles to the entire cosmos. The infinite Cosmic Consciousness of the universe is the source of all things and is known as Cosmic Entity. The process by which Cosmic Entity manifests itself is called Brahma Cakra, or BC for short. It is a self-sufficient and complete cycle that occurs without external influence, creating something out of nothing and returning it back to nothingness. It represents "an entity that not only possesses greatness within itself but also has the ability to make others great." The universe consists of Cosmic Consciousness and Cosmic Power; Purusa in Sanskrit represents consciousness while Prakrti represents power or energy. Religious mythology calls them Shiva and Shakti43 respectively while modern science describes them as information and energy.
     The Cosmic Consciousness and Cosmic Power are inseparable. Pure Cosmic Consciousness is the material44 that forms everything in the universe, witnessing or observing the existence and activities of all things. Consciousness is like the sunlight outside the cave, which is more brilliant than the simulated firelight inside the cave, and it creates that ultimate prototype of sunlight. Consciousness is light, illuminating everything and making all activities possible.
  Consciousness serves as both material44 for creating all things statically and fundamental reason dynamically driving all changes in motion. At this moment, the Cosmic consciousness is acting in the form of Cosmic Power. Power is seen as a characteristic of consciousness, just like heat is a characteristic of fire. When some parts of Cosmic Consciousness are at low density due to its will, their corresponding energies' characteristics become prominent, shaping everything including mind-matter into this manifested universe we see today - it's already manifested Cosmic Consciousness. The power characteristics of the Cosmic Consciousness that have not yet been revealed are called the unmanifested Cosmic Consciousness. Due to the hidden nature of the characteristics of Cosmic Power, such pure consciousness is referred to as the non-attributional Cosmic Entity (Nirguna Brahma).

    Figure 2.2 is the original manuscript of the Cosmic Consciousness Density Grid in 2002, which is the blueprint for the author's entire research. It can be compared with various related diagrams such as the Cosmic Grid- Life of Flower- Taiji Merkaba and BC. "注釋解法Annotation Solution" refers to Ananda Mitra's interpretation in her book The Spiritual Philosophy of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti:A Commentary on Ananda Sutram.Here, it can be clearly seen that SRT△ constructs the Cosmic grid and BC (bottom right). See description in Figure 3.51.
   Figure 2.3: Half of S△ and R△ equals T△, half of T△ equals S△ and R△ (cutting T △ into S △ and R △ through its midpoint on hypotenuse). The circle inscribes an equilateral triangle, with a diameter equal to the inscribed right-angled triangle (from half square’s right-angled triangle to T △), where vertex at a 30° angle represents Material Point. S △ represents white Sentient Power, R △ represents red Mutitive Power, and T △ represents black Static Power. T △ is a right-angled triangle with angles measuring 30°,60°and90°;R Δis an isosceles triangle with angles measuring 30°,30°and120 °;S Δis an equilateral triangle.
 See also Figure 2.5 "Cosmic Evolution Cycle of Grid".

  Figure 2.4: Geometric illustration of BC cosmic evolution cycle where Material Point corresponds to Supreme Point; regarding centripetal phase it corresponds respectively to α starting point & Ω ending point in physical universe.
 a) According to Taiji Merkaba theory: main Middle Nadi (Susumna) Qian Kun(乾坤81CC), secondary Middle Nadi Gen Dui(艮兌72BD), Kan Li(坎離63AE), Zhen Xun(震巽54GF), the main and secondary four Middle Nadis intersect at the center of Taiji F#9, where Two Yi(兩儀Yin-Yang axis,1D), Four Xiang(四象four quadrants,2D),and Eight Trigrams Gua(八卦3D) are born from nothingness of Taiji(太極origin,0D). This is based on numerology. The number 9&0 corresponds to 7&8 in the Middle Nadi (Susumna) 8Cakra system, and to 6&7 in the 7Cakra system. If the main Middle Nadi 16λ is arranged, then C Kun 1-D Dui 2-E Li 3-F Xun 4- F#9 -G Zhen 5-A Kan 6-B Gen 7(9)-C Qian 8(0), The 8 Trigrams Gua and F# have a total of 8 intervals, and each interval is 2λ, if arranged according to main Middle Nadi 16λ.All are 0。
 b) The ratio of long axis to short axis of Vesica Piscis is √3 (the fish eye or elliptical shape formed by two intersecting circles in Sacred Geometry Life of Flower). That is, unbalanced SRT△ shoots out Cosmic Power S-R-T sequentially which forms BC centrifugally; after reaching its peak at Material Point it returns centripetally (see BCcosmos diagram).
 c) See Figure 3.54 for 8C Infinite Emptiness(無極空) CC1C2... C∞. 
  The evolution of the universe completes a cycle from the unmanifested emptiness to the manifested everything, and then returns to the unmanifested pure consciousness state. At present, we are part of the Attributed Cosmic Entity(Saguna Brahma), whose consciousness achieves our existence and whose power promotes our evolution.
 The Cosmic Power45 has three forms. When it acts on pure consciousness, it causes deformation and differentiation in nothingness. These three forms of power include binding powers (gunas), including Sentient Power (Sattvaguna), Mutitive Power (Rajoguna), and Static Power (Tamoguna). The impact of Sentient Power on consciousness is most delicate. It first makes conscious awareness aware of its existence from a state of inaction; this is spiritual awareness at a higher level. Then Mutitive Powers further form a sense of "I do" based on this foundation that there is an "I exist," transforming consciousness into mind. Finally, Static Powers give transformed Cosmic Mind an imprint called Mind Plasm (Cittatattva) as "I have done." If the mind is like a movie projector, then mind plasm is like a screen where thoughts are projected onto it to become images; thus, the mind becomes subject while images become objects that can be viewed by the mind.
     As individuals, such visualization is mostly illusory46. However, the universe visualized by Cosmic Mind is relatively real for us as the things that are visualized exist in this virtual dream of the universe. The concrete, tangible and objective physical world was born when Static Power reached it’s peak and Mind Plasm images transformed into matter. Images serve as a transformation interface47 between mind and matter. This is what physics cosmology refers to as the beginning point of Universe α48, also known as the start of physical gravity49. The universe's spacetime gave rise to existence. This "nothingness" can be understood as a higher-dimensional spacetime or the Cosmic Mind. In contrast to various physical spaces of different real-number dimensions, it can be regarded as a space of imaginary dimensions called the Eternal Space, which is the realm of the soul. On the other hand,  the term "existence" represents the manifestation of the material world's appearance.
     When Static Power reach it’s peak, Cosmic Mind transforms into matter which essentially presents itself through matter on an individual level; thus forming individual’s Unit Mind eventually. Through three phase of Cosmic Power from pure Cosmic Consciousness not yet manifested, a material universe (the starting point being referred to as Material Point) was born when Static Powers reached it’s peak - this stage marks an intangible centrifugal movement in universal evolution (leaving core-consciousness called Supreme Point with respect to Material Point). α-Material Point serves both as a terminal point for centrifugal movement and starting point for centripetal movement where universal evolution begins its return journey towards core-consciousness (Supreme Point). Cosmic Power moves from Static(Tamoguna) towards Mutitive(Rajoguna) then Sentient(Sattvaguna) before finally returning back to statelessness without any manifestation in core-consciousness. From here starts another cycle of evolutionary circulation.
  The characteristics or evolutionary phase Sattvaguna-Rajoguna-Tamoguna collectively known as SRT. Energy's nature is blind and scattered without any specific directionality (maximum entropy). It only has certain operational modes under information regulation. Information regulates energy by providing certain directional operational modes; this is what we usually call "reason." Reason refers to information regulating energy and energy transmitting information- also known as 'one entity two sides' within Cosmic Conciousness&Cosmic Power . It is an interaction between Yin-Yang within Cosmic Entity self which already existed in conceptual prototype but only became meaningful during concrete motion progression - it can be used as both noun and verb. Daoism(道) regards morality from this perspective: Dao represents unmoving Cosmic Entity while De represents the active Cosmic Power guided by Cosmic Consciousness . Laozi said: "Dao give birth to One; One give birth to Two; Two give birth to Three; Three give birth to Everythings," just like how Cosmic Power presents itself in S-R-T phase during centrifugal movements. Before the creation of the universe, the Cosmic Consciousness had not yet deformed. At that time, the Cosmic Power existed in their basic phase, much like countless scattered and tiny strings. Through random and disordered interactions, they formed numerous polygons. The interaction of these polygons resulted in various triangles, and ultimately integrated into a stable and balanced SRT equilateral triangle. 
The three Powers are not independent but interrelated, intertwined and mutually inclusive. Each power contains the other two powers within it, and each power is a combination of the other two powers. In the unmanifested Cosmic Consciousness, SRT△ is in perfect balance 50. The relationship between SRT is...S(R(T(S(R(T... In the manifested Cosmic Consciousness, SRT△ becomes imbalanced and forms centrifugal and centripetal movements that drive the evolution of BC. The relationship between SRT becomes...S(R(T(R(S(... When separated out, we have S=S(R(T)), R=R(T),R(S), T=T(R(S)). Under these circumstances when SRT△ loses balance, initially it's S, followed by R and finally T, which sequentially dominate conscious transformation to evolve into Cosmic Mind that eventually gives birth to matter. This reflects as life phenomena in human world where spirit leads to heart which leads to body - from intangible to tangible; abstract to concrete; implicit to explicit.
  When SRT△ is unbalanced, S first bursts out from one of its vertices. In fact, it is the combined force of RT. The endpoint where S bursts out is then led by R, which is the combined force of ST. When R reaches its endpoint, it is then led by T, which in turn is the combined force of SR. The S stage involves a spiritual linear motion with infinite speed. As it evolves into the R stage, it begins to transform into a curved motion51 of Cosmic Mind due to the influence of the Cosmic Consciousness core within SRT(Purusottama,Cosmic Core). The centrifugal movement of SRT ultimately returns to this core; therefore, during the RT phase, its speed gradually slows down and exhibits a curved motion until T takes over as leader in this phase and transforms Mind into Mind Plasm,and then Mind Plasm into matter through deformation at its peak moment. This material universe we speak of thus comes into being. Next comes centripetal movement from T to R and from R back to S - that's when matter was created with an ultimate goal: returning to pure Cosmic Consciousness.
  Centripetal movement52 includes three states: forward centripetal motion, reverse centripetal motion  & accelerated centripetal motion. The entire cycle of cosmic evolution resembles throwing a boomerang - thrown away only for it return back full circle! If RT were like straight line movement similar to S, then Cosmic evolution would be just walking straight ahead until reaching an endpoint and then returning back. This situation is a quantum universe53 of continuous birth and destruction, where ‘nothingness’ ultimately does not create a material universe. Fortunately, our current universe has curved RT movement that leads to creation of matter .When T reaches its extreme, the material universe is born, and the Cosmic Mind acquires its own body, providing a medium for self-expression. Centrifugal motion at this point begins to return to centripetal motion, and centrifugal and centripetal forces mirror each other, forming a cycle.

  Figure 2.5 shows SRT sequentially transforming into each other forming a vortex within SRT△. When SRT△ becomes unbalanced, S first bursts outward in a combined force with RT, forming the first stage of centrifugal motion.; represented by white triangle on grid which eventually transforms into red R being ST's combined force; followed by black T at end-point representing SR's combined force after which it develops up-to ultimate peak giving rise to cosmic α the Material Point (from where everything begins), and starts moving towards centripetal motion from thereonwards corresponding to entire process of material universe starting till ending. See description in Figure 3.51

   Figure 2.6: A thing or a state of being, including vibrations, is both its affirmation and negation, which is called " Posinegative Nature "(同反,positive & negative nature)
  When we say that there exists a phenomenon, it means that the essence of phenomenon A presents itself in either an affirmative or negative way. Usually we refer to the affirmative aspect as A and the negative aspect as ~A (not-A). In fact, they are completely identical except for their directionality; A and ~A are mirror images of each other. In other words, the existence of an entity is expressed through its Posinegative Nature affirmation (A) or negation (~A), with one revealing while the other conceals to form either A(~A) or ~A(A). Both A and ~A effectively represent the existence of that entity because their Posinegative Nature has not been fully revealed but always involves mutually opposite affirmations and negations where one reveals while another conceals - this is known as "Implicate Order of Posinegative Nature "(同反隱) If both affirmations and negations are revealed simultaneously then neither A nor ~A exist; therefore it cannot be used to understand the essence of entities - this is known as "Explicate Order of Posinegative Nature."(同反顯)
  The mind serves as a mirror for entities (Posinegative Nature), reflecting them so that I appear when reflected upon (Implicate Order of Posinegative Nature); without reflection there would be no appearance (Explicate Order of Posinegative Nature). The individual self reflects like this just like how the universe reflects on a larger scale. Posinegative Nature represents points in space-time whereas Implicate Order of Posinegative Nature represents lines connecting those points together via reflection in mirrors. Explicate Order of Posinegative Nature represents point movement becoming line cancellation by non-reflection.
  Geometrically speaking, when imagining oneself as point 'a' within empty space using our minds, we also imagine ourselves as point '~a'. The mind moves back and forth between 'a' and '~a', creating a line. This line is the result of the mind's constant movement, where it must choose either 'a' or '~a'; this process is known as Implicate Order of Posinegative Nature. If the mind stops moving, then it becomes just a simple point that isn't 'A' nor '~A'; it simply exists in our imagination without being defined by either affirmation or negation.
  Similarly, when the mind continues to move along this line, it creates a surface - another level of Implicate Order of Posinegative Nature. The mind imagines and creates both large-scale universes (the big self) and small-scale individuals (the little self), which represents hierarchical Posinegative Nature processes. Eximplicate Order are not absolute states but rather descriptions of these processes; everything is only hierarchical in nature, which is precisely what understanding entails.
  Exploring Yin-Yang theory from Yi Gua divination, Bohm’s hierarchical  explicate & implicate order theory, quantum mechanics will help us understand Posinegative Nature theory better. They can be seen as different aspects of one thing; no single aspect alone can bring us closer to understanding universal essence whether scientific or philosophical materialistic or spiritual-religious.
  As a way of thinking about things, "Eximplicate Order of Posinegative Nature" was an important method used by the author during his research process with close ties to geometric grid theory. Combining David Bohm's explicate & implicate order theories with particle-antiparticle annihilation into light explains SRT△ universe grid inversion spin relationships while revealing how light itself has identical properties (particles) yet opposite properties (antiparticles). What appears before us now is the result of Implicate Order of Posinegative Nature; when projected onto matter during inverse projection time reversal, it can be seen as particles and antiparticles. Eximplicate Order of Posinegative Nature concretely expresses the idea of "the movement of the Dao is in its opposite." (反者道之動)The term 'opposite'(反) has both a static relative opposition(反) and dynamic back-and-forth motion(返), which also explains how physical world  The Five Elements(五行) operations work with mutual generation and inhibition. Inverse projection time reversal appears in Yi Gua structures; see next chapter for detailed explanation. 

   Based on SRT△ imbalance, the universe evolves cyclically through centrifugal/centripetal movements using combined forces. From a geometric perspective, this is built upon triangular grids where positive/negative faces combine to form hexagrams or David's star - many cultures use this as their basic spiritual image because of what lies behind it: universal concepts known as Cosmic Grid. On two-dimensional Cosmic Grid, SRT△ is laid out in the most concise way possible while larger scales can be viewed as countless hexagram stars combining Yin-Yang SRT△ into one grid structure. In the next chapter, we will further explore the Cosmic Grid, which, in fact, shares the same geometric structure as the Sacred Geometries of ancient Egypt, Greece, and the Mesopotamian civilizations, as well as the sixty-four hexagrams Gua of the Chinese Yi Jing. They represent different versions of the same concept in different civilizations.
  The entire BC universe undergoes cyclic evolution, clarifying that all existence and change, including the material universe, is just a dreamlike illusion of the essence of the universe. As part of the universe, we are actually just tiny things within this dreamlike illusion. However, when we say that everything in this universe is just an illusion, we have already broken this illusion. What is before us is real and meaningful. There exists relative reality in the ultimate illusion of the universe. Physically speaking, this creates a dissipative structure54 with negative entropy - simply put: life. Life transcends matter and exhibits more spiritual tendencies while also developing spiritual inclinations. The emergence of life confirms that the universe is on a path towards centripetal return along its cycle of evolution.
  In Zhuangzi's famous allegory Zhuangzi dreamed he was a butterfly(莊周夢蝶), it begs to question whether Zhuangzi was dreaming about being a butterfly or if it was vice versa? This involves whether consciousness focuses on Zhuangzi or on the butterfly? Is it in an individual or collective state? If consciousness exists in a collective state fused with the entirety of the cosmos then both Zhuangzi and butterflies exist within dreamscape reality; however if consciousness focuses solely on either one then whoever dreams about whom becomes an actual event - something relatively true happening within our cosmos.
   The theater represents modern-day Plato's cave where Woody Allen's film Purple Rose of Cairo tells us about Cecilia who wants to escape her mundane reality by becoming infatuated with movies instead. One day at cinema she watches "Purple Rose of Cairo" repeatedly because she finds herself deeply attracted to Tom - an Egyptian explorer from inside movie screen due to his charming demeanor which makes her forget how unhappy she really feels outside cinema walls after work hours end each day . One day Tom looks out into audience seating area not following script anymore blurts out “My God! You must really love this movie!” The audience is confused, who is the male lead talking to? They turn around and look.
  Cecilia responds "Me? Are you talking about me?"
  Tom says, "Yes, I see you sitting here all the time. You've seen this movie five times already. I want to talk to you." He then walks out of the screen towards Cecilia. There's a commotion in the theater - what's going on? Isn't this just a movie?
   Due to sudden events unfolding before them, everything comes to a halt including actors within film itself anxiously calling for Tom’s return so they can continue acting; however he turns back and tells them “I want to experience real life” as he takes Cecilia by hand walking out of cinema with her. This sets up an exciting play-within-a-play scenario!
  Life is both audience member and character/actor within our cosmic game where reality and illusion intersect beautifully through cyclic evolution.
  In nothingness,
  The boundary between reality and illusion
  A space without mass
  Wandering light
  Silent song
  Transforming into dreamscape illusions
  Beginning that endless wait once more.
  Awake again,
  And asleep once more,
  I am only myself.
  Awakening, dreaming, sleeping—an endless cycle, neither growing nor diminishing. The universe is always the universe unto itself.
  The cosmic cycle of evolution is the Macrocosm of the largest scale  (the whole universe, especially BCcosmos). Humans live within the universe and are a part of it. The universe is also concretely and minutely internalized within life, forming the Mesocosm of human perception  (the human world). The shared fundamental elements that constitute mind and matter are the Microcosm  (the subatomic world,especially mvcosmos). There exists a fundamental commonality among universes of various scales, allowing us to find a universal language. By employing the geometry of SRT△, which describes the cyclical evolution of the Macrocosm, can we also apply it to explore the Mesocosm of human perception and the Microcosm? This directly relates to the question of the essence of the mind and matter, which is intimately connected to life.

Section 3: Microvita as Basic Elements for Mind and Matter     
     1. Microvita
  Let's discuss the most subtle level in the material realm, which is also the level where mind and matter coexist- microvita(mv).
  Inspired by P.R. Sarkar's cosmology that integrates spirituality, science, and philosophy, I began researching it since 2002. I further developed Brahma Cakra (BC), a geometric model to describe the creation process of the universe based on SRT△ formed by Sarkar. Using this original BC model of the Cosmic Grid (Figure 2.2), I explained Sarkar's relationship between Cosmic Consciousness density and creative manifestation.
  As early as ancient Greek philosophy, atomic theory with geometric patterns was proposed; that is, there must be a geometric prototype for matter's smallest unit. Plato developed this idea in his Timaeus dialogue by combining Pythagoreanism's "all things are numbers" theory to explain his views on natural science and cosmology using geometrical models to interpret everything's structure. This inner structure is what constitutes an object’s essence.
  Most religious myths believe that God created the world out of nothingness; however, Plato believed that the created world was a copy of eternal prototypes or ideas represented as shadows on cave walls like those inside Plato’s Cave Allegory . The creator used these eternal unchanging ideal models along with materials from eternal motion to create our world within space containers according to Four Fundamental Factors55 geometrical forms: cube(hexahedron,solid earth), icosahedron (20faces,liquid water), tetrahedron (4 faces, luminous fire) , octahedron(8 faces, aerial wind). He said that these Four Fundamental Factors’ geometry structures were rooted in two right-angled triangles: half square triangle & equilateral triangle; creators used these two triangles to form four out of five regular polyhedrons forming earth-water-fire-wind Four Fundamental Factors. Geometry is the interface between the intangible world of ideas and the tangible world of matter, which we see as an interface from our perspective as created beings. However, geometry itself existed in its intangible stage before creation; this is what Sarkar calls centrifugal phase in BC universe evolution even before it.
  In short, "Cosmic Consciousness"(Purusa or Shiva) and its attribute "Cosmic Power" (Prakrti or Shakti) are one like fire and heat or ice and coldness. When Cosmic Consciousness reaches a certain density level, SRT△'s effect of Prakrti becomes apparent. Cosmic Consciousness entity manifests itself by balancing within itself to become manifested from unmanifested state through SRT△ imbalance that initiates BC universe evolution process. In contrast, when Cosmic Consciousness remains at a high-density level without movement or manifestation, it is more akin to emptiness - meaning high-density Cosmic Consciousness represents emptiness while low-density represents existence; however, they are one entity just like a person's wakefulness and dream states are two sides of the same coin.
 On an individual level, our existence is a result of the evolution of Cosmic Consciousness through BC in low-density conditions. Therefore, the point of lowest density of Cosmic Consciousness is when the material world is formed..In BC, this is known as the Material Point (referred to as the α starting point in cosmophysics, with the supreme point being the relative counterpart of the material point).. From vibration & frequency perspectives: “spiritual awareness is highest-level matter while matter is lowest-level spiritual awareness”56 with mind being their dynamic harmony.
  However, the Material Point at the lowest density of Cosmic Consciousness is actually the point of highest density of individual consciousness, manifesting concretely as the individual Taiji. This material point, also known as the fundamental element of consciousness and matter, microvita (mv), is represented as the most subtle "Eather" element from the perspective of the Five Fundamental Factors. Mind and vacuum permeate each other; they are one. At this level, it is the Cosmic Mind.
  Cosmic consciousness density projects onto space to become various possible dimensions. Consciousness establishes or transforms its dimension as a means of self-existence and manifestation.
  Microvita (mv)57 is a series of theories about the basic elements shared by mind and matter proposed by P.R. Sarkar between 1986-1989. In fact, mv's proposal is a philosophical key that opens the door to future science - one that will move beyond material science towards spiritual science based on common scientific foundations for human understanding of Mind & Matter . Mv has already been touched upon in traditional spiritual practices or religious experiences; light serves as mv’s carrier or medium, which can further manifest itself at both mind and physical levels. Therefore "light" represents their coexistence phenomenon known as mind-light & matter-light with physics referring to matter-light while mind-matter light being two sides of the same coin. Light is precisely the phenomenon that emerges when time acts as an exchangeable state between mind and matter. This phenomenon is manifested as matter- light on the material level and as mind-light on the level of consciousness.
  As the ultimate speed of four-dimensional spacetime, light can be simply calculated in relation to time using the Pythagorean theorem in special relativity. The faster the speed, the slower time passes until it stops at the speed of light. In terms of four-dimensional spacetime, the speed of light is indeed an insurmountable gap. This provides a simple arrow of time for individual mind and allows us to converge and compress quantum worlds with countless possibilities into one macroscopic relativistic state that can be stably recognized by individual mind.
  Therefore, individual mind can only operate on one target at a time and cannot multitask simultaneously. It processes information emerging from the world serially and needs to form causality step by step according to strict constraints imposed by the arrow of time in order to understand the world.
  If individual mind is sufficiently developed such that its conscious state approaches Cosmic Consciousness, then it has enough power to influence spacetime entity and change both time direction and space dimension. Dreams are actually attempts at simulating trial-and-error towards Cosmic Consciousness for individual consciousnesses; they combine fantasy from microscopic quantum worlds with reality from macroscopic relativistic worlds.
  Thus, modern physics seeks fundamental theories that combine relativity theory with quantum theory which will have more dream-like qualities than any other science ever before seen. Therefore, we find it difficult to draw a clear boundary between mind and matter; rather humans will discover that this apparent boundary is essentially an exchangeable state between mind and matter just like time itself - separating them while allowing communication between them.
  The upcoming fundamental theories in physics will no longer belong solely within physics but instead accompany our understanding of mv as we gradually realize it.
  A single spacetime entity based on the Planck scale as its fundamental attribute may be the initial existence of mv in four-dimensional spacetime, and it is also singular. The beginning point of the universe α can be regarded as this single mv, and thereafter, the universe becomes a plural mv. In other words, the singularity +mv of the Cosmic Mind transforms into material universe α or Material Point singularity -mv. Both are mirror images of Posinegative Nature, as under Explicate Order of Posinegative Nature they cancel each other out when they appear simultaneously. What exists is only spiritual universe; however, through Implicate Order of Posinegative Nature, they achieve either mind or material universes.
     Posinegative Nature speaking that the spirit of the universe is the result of Explicate Order of Posinegative Nature, while its mind and material body are the result of Implicate Order of Posinegative Nature. The evolutionary relationship between spirit, mind, and body is formed based on the action of Cosmic Power according to SRT△.
  This Cosmic Power or Cosmic Operative Principle is the attribute of Cosmic Consciousness that operates according to certain laws but remains indivisible. However, when Cosmic Consciousness desires to act upon something specific, SRT△'s perfectly balanced equilateral triangle begins to lose balance successively under the leadership of S (spirit), R (mind), T (body) and evolves into spiritual-, mind-, and physical-universes respectively. Mv is a basic element of mind-body; it is an illusion created by spirit while spirit itself is an illusion created by Cosmic Consciousness.
  When there's no intention from Cosmic Consciousness to create anything new then its Cosmic Power remains hidden without any dreams or illusions; therefore nothing happens at all. According to the "process interpretation"58 perspective of the Created of the “manifested universe”, it is called Cosmic Consciousness, and according to the "purpose interpretation" perspective of the Creator of the "unmanifest universe", it is called Emptiness.; They are both Posinegative Nature,and it’s Implicate Order resulting in the cancel of “countless cosmic mirrors of mind “(Countless cosmic mirrors of mind reflect and create innumerable reflections of the universe and all things within it.)
  There are no ego of individual consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness (the egoless無我), also no emptiness of unconsciousness (the non-egolessness無無我). The Explicate Order of Posinegative Nature through countless levels of negation, leads to a state that cannot be comprehended by individual rationality.This state is called the Cosmic Rationality(宇宙理性), Ultimate Emptiness(究竟空), Dao(道), God(上帝) or Reality(實相). Posinegative Nature speaking, it is identical to Cosmic Consciousness and truly indivisible(無別).
  The five fundamental factors59 represent -mv develop from a single entity into a plural collective through five phase from subtle to crude and from material universe α to the present time. At the subtlest of ethereal factor (space), it becomes spacetime entities that exist in all dimensions (12 dimensions) but appear as Planck scales in four-dimensional spacetime. Single -mv evolves into everything within the universe while simultaneously transforming singularity +mv of Cosmic Mind into countless plural +mv of this universes; both are interdependent relationships between Yin and Yang.
  If we push +mv back one step further towards its origin at the core of Cosmic Consciousness then the α singularity of universe can be referred to as a Material Point while Supreme Point refers to the core of Cosmic Consciousness. Both are posinegative each other residing on either end of Brahma Cakra where Supreme Point acts as center while Material Point acts as centrifugal transformation turning into centripetal transformation when returning back towards Supreme Point which is also known as space-time entity with limited size smooth area (at least for four-dimensional spacetime). It exists only conceptually rather than physically being just an abstract definition reflecting how difficult it is for individual rationality alone to fully understand Cosmic Consciousness; however, it does exist and is indeed a point representing the center of the universe and core-consciousness appearing at SRT△'s three vertices.
  From any one vertex among these three vertices emerges BC-cycle theoretically possible at S or R or T but based on created's Process Interpretation can only emerge from S resulting in centrifugal transformation starting with spirit followed by mind then body(Material Point) before becoming centripetal transformation returning back towards Supreme-Point located at center while Material Points reside farthest away from it. This appearing as a circle or sphere when supreme-point acts as the center of BC-cycle while Material Point forms its circumference or great-circle line. The entire circle or sphere represents the completion of BC-cycle.From Purpose Interpretation, point is identical to circle and sphere; one is everything. 
     The speed of light C is not fixed, and each dimension has its own value of C. That is to say, when light penetrates different dimensions, it exhibits different values of C, so the expression of space-time also varies. Higher-dimensional higher-C values have greater Space Freedom and Time Arbitrariness, that is to say, they have a more structured Time Group in terms of time. The four-dimensional space-time appears as a time ray or a time segment of three-dimensional space. Light penetrates all dimensions and so does time. The high dimension curled up inside the three-dimensional space is called the inner high dimension; while the three-dimensional space curled up by the high dimension outside it is called outer high dimension. Inner and outer high dimensions are one thing; entering into an inner high dimension is equivalent to entering into an outer high dimension. When consciousness reaches a certain density and tends towards Cosmic Consciousness, it may leap into an inner higher dimensional state. If returning from this inner higher dimensional state back to four-dimensional spacetime, then from the perspective of observing four-dimensional spacetime structure changes occur in spacetime structure but actually larger and subtler conscious perception only perceives a more complete spacetime structure.
  Therefore we exist simultaneously in all dimensions; what we call "now" is simply our focus on one particular dimension where we tend towards single spacetime entity in the present moment(NN當下) rather than certain sequence of now(N) . From our point of view N represents even greater temporality than NN. Strictly speaking, the NN only possesses the potentiality of time and has not yet formed as time itself. Therefore, the NN is the manifestation of time when transitioning between different dimensions, and it is also the manifestation of time during the exchange between mind and matter. Thus, as the actualization of time in the exchange between mind and matter, it exists in the form of the NN. It is within this present moment NN that transcending time and space, or attaining liberation and enlightenment, becomes possible.
  Consciousness lightly concentrates on a time path and perceives it as a small time segment, which serves as the basic unit of time N. When consciousness highly concentrates on a certain degree (samadhi) along the time path, then the original structure of time appears,which is the Spacetime Entity.
  Spacetime Entity is like foam rising and falling in the ocean of Cosmic Consciousness; connecting them arbitrarily one by one constitutes time while all foam constitutes space. Consciousness enters and exits space through time so that mind-matter exchange occurs constantly within it. Time exists non-continuously in Spacetime Entity forming its paths - rather than being an actual line it can be seen more accurately as virtual lines interweaving to form spacetime itself. Time and space are both Spacetime Entity that exist at the smallest and most fundamental level. At the largest and most comprehensive level, time is space, and space is time.
  From the perspective of any given dimension, there is no difference between inner or outer since they are part of one whole dimensional spatiotemporal entity - this shadow projected onto this particular dimension where our consciousness resides represents our existence as projection from Cosmic Consciousness into cosmic mind further projected into spacetime; projecting again into higher-dimensional spacetime before finally manifesting in four-dimensional spacetime.
  Therefore where does Dao lie? Where does God exist? Where does ultimate reality lie? It lies within this mind, within this body. This body and mind are inseparable, as mind is matter and matter is mind. Furthermore, where does it exist? It exists within that mind, within that body. That body and mind are inseparable, as the cosmic mind is everything, and everything is the cosmic mind.
  Regarding the true science of mv in the future, it has always been hidden in astrology, which is considered a pseudoscience or non-scientific spiritual experience throughout history. This undoubtedly reflects the lack of individual rationality and blurs the original meaning of astrology as a science of light between science, mysticism and superstition. The main function of astrology in today's society is to provide people with a belief on how to transcend time and space to predict the future, which has become more like art than science. Of course, intuition and beauty in art are similar to those in science.
  Therefore, up until now, astrology is more related to psychology than science. If this is true, then a higher level of psychology will be a possible way out for astrology. This higher level psychology will have close relationship with human collective karma and thus bring it back into the realm of science. However, we should advocate for a more direct approach here - inventing mv reality - so that civilization on this planet can enter into another new stage.
      Looking at how light works from an astrological context: Astrology is called Jotish in Sanskrit language which means "the Science of Light". The horoscope chart will dynamically develop when it falls onto someone who constantly moves towards spirituality; In other words his horoscope chart grows continuously along with his spiritual life growth especially at some major turning points where he should develop another new horoscope chart based on his original one; therefore for those who move towards spiritual life development their horoscope charts should form tree-like structures growing from their original ones; that means they show all possible horoscope charts but eventually choose one path as their own "Dao" (道way) while they are travelers on this path accelerating centripetal motion during universe BC cycle whereas reverse centripetal motion developers tend toward materialization by sticking to their original horoscope charts without developing its potentialities.
   Individual’s unit mind acts like a mirror reflecting the phenomenon of "light" where consciousness, mind and matter coexist when it operates independently (such as in the state of death or bodiless mind of samadhi). Celestial bodies are visibly apparent units of light within the universe. They possess their own consciousness and matter, both reflecting in the form of light upon the bodiless mind. When the bodiless mind combines with matter, it manifests as the in-body mind and expresses itself as life. Energy is light; everything is light; even parents' sexual intercourse has its own light, which is like celestial light to a bodiless mind. Bodiless mind locate themselves based on coordinates given by all celestial lights (these lights not only manifest in material world of real dimension but also exist in eternal space of the conscious world of imaginary dimension) and their karma so that they can choose directions according to their positions determined by this karma (This positioning is the summary of the implicate order of its potential karma); The vibration of a particular celestial body resonates most strongly with the vibration of this bodiless mind. This celestial body becomes like a lighthouse, serving as the target for the journey of the bodiless mind. Upon reaching this celestial body, based on its karma, the mind chooses to resonate with the light of the parents and undergoes reincarnation. The bodiless mind then becomes an in-body mind.
  The more developed one's consciousness is, the easier he can enter eternal space to choose direction and location among all celestial’s lights while the less expanded consciousness is, the more it follows the natural development of the celestial body on which it originally exists. This is called natural centripetal or forward centripetal. In addition, bodiless mind in the eternal space may move towards Cosmic Consciousness directly without choosing any direction between celestials anymore; This ultimate and definitive light is the simultaneous manifestation of all possible paths, ways, and purposes contained from the creator's perspective. It is a phenomenon of the entire universe, where all individual phenomena within the universe merge into inseparability. This is YOGA, liberation, awakening, and returning to the original reality.
 Eternal space can be conveniently regarded as a collective term for the Bardo(中陰) aspect among all levels. In other words, eternal space is a phenomenal aspect of the whole dimensional reality (including the 12 real dimensional spacetime, and the imaginary dimensions of the Cosmic Mind). The spacetime entity and its manifested dimensions exist as non-continuity within the eternal space. The imaginary dimension of the Cosmic Mind, like the ocean, represents the eternal space, while the manifested universes within the  real dimensional spacetime60 are like foam in the ocean. We exist on a bubble of the Cosmic Mind, which imagines itself as the vast ocean.When the Cosmic Consciousness manifests as the Cosmic Mind, it is like a dream that begins according to its own wishes from the sleeping Cosmic Consciousness that exists without effort, ego, or dreams. It is absolutely unique and transcends all emptiness and everything else. Its incredible nature cannot be understood by individual rationality alone. All our discussions or thoughts about it are only limited reflections of individual desires to return to it..
  The Cosmic Mind is a dream of the reality of the universe. It is a single mv  and a mirror itself that reflects an image of itself in which it dreams about this universe that we perceive as real. Similarly, this universe we see as real is also a single mv; thus, we relatively call the Cosmic Mind +mv and call this material universe -mv relative to what has been reflected in its dream since α-Material Point emerged.
  Both are results of Implicate Order of Posinegative Nature of the Cosmic Consciousness; they are each other's mirror images with you inside me and me inside you forming what we recognize as this world through breathing, life processes, culture, thought- everything that makes up our vast world comes from them.
  The starting point for material universes α-Material Points was originally one single -mv which was no different than being one with Cosmic Minds' single +mv. As material universes began developing into collective pluralities so did their –mv evolve collectively into multiple ones just like how Cosmic Minds' singular +mv evolved into collective pluralities along with them.
  All plural and collective mv are fractals of a single mv. The Process Interpretation of individual rationality and the activation of the mirror of the mind, desiring to return to the Cosmic Core, Viewing the one as many in a distinct way, and then converging and contracting into one amidst the multitude of universal phenomena. This is the process of accelerated centripetal motion.
  When discussing the entire cosmos with Purpose Interpretation we take mv as singular while discussing parts with Process Interpretation we take mv as collectives or multiples hence theoretically existing mv in the real world are all in plural form, which is what we call microvita.

      2. The Basic Principle of Microvita and Spacetime Path of Inherent Nature(自性)
  The principle of +- mv: constant total quantity and proportional changes, +–gap within a certain range is the unity of heart and matter (united heart), beyond this range is the separation of heart and matter (disembodied heart), united at birth and separated at death. That is, the absolute value of +﹣difference is a critical value. Using two cars on a highway moving in the same direction as an analogy for heart and matter, if the speed difference between the two cars remains within a certain range, then they will basically synchronize with each other; if it exceeds a certain range, then they tend to go their separate ways.
  As far as the universe as a whole is concerned, +﹣the total amount is 2 (two principles), with a ratio of 1:1=1 (Tai Chi). As far as individual parts of the universe are concerned,+ ﹣they are all pluralistic, which makes it possible for ratios to begin to vary and thus achieve everything in existence.
     The disembodied heart exists in close proximity to single +mv's state-of-mind in cosmic consciousness; from its overall perspective on material universes,-mv tends towards singularity (towards α-material starting point→Ω-material endpoint) - this process involves contraction and expansion of single planck-mv spatiotemporal entities. During expansion phase when single+–mv maya becomes pluralistic individual+–mvs.
  The closer one gets to macro/microcosmic levels,the more unified behavior patterns become.The closer one gets to microcosmic level,the more differentiated behavior patterns become.
  Before his death,Changchun Real Human Qiu Chuji61(長春真人丘處機)summarized his lifelong devotional spiritual practice experience with this poem:

  Life & Death like day & night,
  Illusions come and go like bubbles.
  A glimpse into photon of light,the time discontinus jumping,62
  As the microcosmic mysterious quantity opened, it contains mountains and seas.
  Waving away the universe like in a hand,
  Breathing everything like machinery.
  The madness writtened words, finally became dust and dirt.
  It can only be put on the delusion hearing of people at that time.

  The term "microcosmic mysterious quantity" (玄量)in this verse has some connotations of “Mount Sumeru in a mustard seed.”(須彌芥子) One is everything, everything is one; viewing α-Material Point as initial Taiji mv, for individuals it reflects their mind of Inherent Nature
  The starting point is also the end point. In geometric BC cycle evolution, Material Point and Supreme Point are mirror-symmetric to each other - they are two but also one.
  When Cosmic Consciousness wants to present itself in a certain way and operate itself,it creates geometry as a beginning for things,and thus forms vibrations and this world where mind & matter coexist. For individuals,geometry is our universal language,it's our true inner voice.We can use sound to create geometry or we can use geometry to create sound.Totems,symbols,music,languages,& structures of all things are results of cosmic geometric evolution.In fact,geometry provides a basic existence  that leads both mind & matter.In religious spiritual practice,it transcends thought  and language, intuitively presenting itself as mystical symbols or graphics. It implies the ultimate ontology of the universe whether it exists or not. To say that it implies something isn't an exaggeration because this ultimate truth or path is empirical rather than conceptual. The attempt of individual rationality to comprehend or express this implication achieves what is called "infinity". However, infinity is merely a finite concept unless we completely merge into the ocean of Cosmic Consciousness, where the finite and the infinite are indistinguishable. Otherwise, it will forever remain a mere suggestion. This the reason why religion has always existed while essential spirituality science cannot be revealed.
  Even if we don't equate geometry with mv at least geometry is an energy form of mv. Symbolism used in spiritual practices indicates understanding & proper effective utilization towards energy. Perfect control over energy means giving direction so life knows where it's going. Human beings are like an mv riding on their light carrier, heading towards the fundamental ocean of Cosmic Consciousness and merging into the reality of the universe. People's lives participate in dance with whole universe's spiritual light ocean based on sun unit. As far as human life structure is concerned, earth's rotation, earth's revolution around the sun, the Milky Way's rotation, the interaction between galaxies within the local group of galaxies, and the interaction between this galaxy cluster and many other galaxy clusters constitute a multi-level wave spectrum. Light, internal or external, is our intuition towards this wave ocean. We can also call it sound. The overall manifestation is AUM(OM'),which represents the source seed of creation, maintenance,& destruction in three stages. In the initial state of the individual human microcosm, at the moment of conception and formation of the fertilized egg, this seed reveals its irreplaceable vibration and connects to this world through the light and sound forms of this vibration. It is the cosmic OM’ sound and the Second Light(第二光明) of Savikalpa Samadhi(有餘定Samadhi with vikalpa or mental thought and feeling).This corresponds to stopping heartbeat, namely,it is the base point,center,& starting point for Anahata(Heart Cakra) - which is an mv based on essence that doesn't decay Bindu(不壞明點)63. It carries information & energy related to mind-matter. Mind information and material world matter-energy are related. Therefore, it achieves the manifested cosmic OM' sound and the Second Light of Savikalpa Samadhi.
  When an individual gradually develops consciousness and mind from the material level, at this time, the cakras also develop other higher and lower cakras with the completion of the central nervous system. The third eye cakra(Ajina) perceives and recognizes this light and sound. That is to say, the embryonic or fetal third eye cakra is naturally in or very close to this pure light and sound but cannot be aware of its existence. On the contrary, a growing person can be aware of its existence but seems far away from it.
  Therefore,maintain the innocence of ones’ heart  just like protecting an infant(Lao Zi如保赤子), there’s no difference between integration and detachment in deep Samadhi, what distinguishes it is macroscopic laws of appearance world that have as much uniqueness as possible which also achieves individual existence. Therefore, the heart of the heart cakra is originally a heart while that of the third eye cakra (brain) is later developed - The non-dualistic undifferentiated mind and the dualistic differentiated brain - one initial and one completed. Concentration on these two control points of cakras makes it easier to return to a state of light and sound.
  In terms of temporal states: The former reverses back in time when there was no movement in their hearts while latter predicts forward when their hearts will stop beating; both ultimately lead back to same heart which represents Inherent Nature where heart stop will leads Inherent Nature from hiddenness towards manifestation being liberation's beginning point.
  Therefore life-and-death are closely related with enlightenment: In an instant moment before birth lies motionless hearts about to move while another moment before death lies still hearts about to cease beating; This heart belongs not only within fleshly masses but also spiritual ones where combined they form humans(in-body mind) whereas separated they become bodiless mind of Bardo(middle stage of the afterlife) between death-and-rebirth.
  When the mind ceases, time ceases as well, indicating a simultaneous state of being with light and the disappearance of dharma attachments(法執)64 making space wholeness  rather than many continuous slices ordered by time; This wholeness single spacetime entity is Planck -mv where it serves as the starting point of material universe α. In essence, its manifest state corresponds to unmanifest state of Cosmic Mind which makes it more neutral than Yin-Yang or ±mv
  Inherent Nature mv is the main subject of reincarnation sometimes being mind, sometimes matter, and sometimes both. Spiritual symbols are often given to individuals in a Inherent Natured sense, providing guidance and assistance in their spiritual practice while pointing towards the ultimate goal. The Inherent Nature and the ultimate goal are distinct for the individual and the entire universe, yet they are inseparable as one, for the Oneness is the supreme path.
  The aforementioned dharma attachment provides a coordinate system for space whose disappearance represents manifestation of Inherent Nature’s light leading to return of individual Unit Consciousness into Cosmic Consciousness. Unit Aham (個體我執doer I) serves as an existence coordinate point whose disappearance represents cessation or non-action of consciousness resulting in complete liberation with moksa salvation  from unit mind to Cosmic Consciousness naturally manifests in the final breath as consciousness chooses to transition from existence to non-existence. this is the unmanifested state of Cosmic Consciousness where if there exists anything at all then only infinite possibilities exist. It's precisely this “emptiness”(空) that achieves his own "existence" (有)in this world; Consciousness is a boundary line above which lies emptiness while below lies existence - emptiness-existence are not real nor inherent but rather constructed by conscious beings whereas universe consists solely of one single consciousness who decides everything including Himself.
  Human beings are mere manifestations of emptiness-existence, whether in the form of unity or differentiation. Life and death are the tangible manifestations of this boundary in the realm of consciousness. The known spacetime arises with birth and ceases with death, regardless of whether the subject of this knowledge is an individual or the entire universe.

Section 4: The Geometry Interface of Light between Inner and Outer Worlds
  Before modern science, people believed that matter was composed of the Four Fundamental Factors(四大) of earth, water, fire, and wind(air). Sometimes a fifth element - ether - was added to describe the Five Fundamental Factors(五大) from crude to subtle. These corresponded to solid, liquid, light (heat), gas, and ether (space). Rather than saying it is the Five Fundamental Factors, it is more accurate to say that it is the formation of material atoms in the universe, which has gone through the five phases of ether, wind, fire, water, and earth. The Five Elements(五行)of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, on the other hand, are the five operational modes that emerged in the material world after its formation.
  Matter and space are not separate entities; space is not merely a stage, and matter is not merely an actor. The term "actor" here includes individual consciousness that evolves from matter. From the beginning, space actively participates in the performance. Its very existence is an active involvement, originating from the Cosmic Mind. The moment of active involvement is the result of the utmost culmination of the Static Power T. This initially creates a pure space at the most fundamental and primitive Planck scale. It is a vacuum state imbued with extremely high energy, representing a unique and singular three-dimensional unit of space. At this initial moment, time has not yet officially emerged; it is only implicit within this first space. Within this first existing space, the first instance of time is implicitly contained65.
  Space-time is anYin-Yang integrated whole, resembling the Taiji symbol. It is both the starting point and the smallest unit of our observed universe. Although it is called a zero-dimensional point, in reality, it is a finite-sized entity where time and space merge. It serves as the minimal unit of 3D space or 4D space-time,  known as a Spacetime Real Entity. Corresponding to the Spacetime Real Entity is the Spacetime Imaginary Entity, representing the tangible and intangible aspects of the same entity. The Cosmic Mind projects itself as interconnected minds and matter. In theory, this is the first instance of individual minds and matter.
  As the fundamental space expands and enlarges, time becomes increasingly evident and recognized as existing. Rather than calling it expansion, it is more like growth and reproduction, because the individual minds and matter of this first Spacetime Real-Imaginary Entity expand in a manner similar to cell division, multiplying in a simple multiple manner. Compared to space, time possesses more mind factors. Time is the projection of Cosmic Mind, where the universe manifests space as its object of Mind. Time exists as a unique form of space that lies between the subjective mind and the objective space.
  As the initial singular basic unit of space extends, time becomes the relative radius, while space forms the spherical surface. The sphere represents the Cosmic Mind, with its center being the Cosmic Consciousness. The structure of the sphere embodies the Cosmic Power, allowing the sphere to expand accordingly.
  Plato's universe was described as both a dodecahedron and a ball - an ambiguous philosophical and mystical concept. According to modern science's Big Bang theory, the universe underwent rapid exponential expansion in its early stages where differences between spaces were erased so that no point in space was closer or farther from the center of the universe than any other point. Using a sphere as an analogy, if we consider space as a 2D spherical surface, any point on the surface is equidistant from the center, forming a radius. Therefore, as the sphere continues to expand, any two points on the surface move away from each other, but their distance from the center remains the same.
  In fact, the physical universe itself does not have a physical center. It is formed by the time radius of Cosmic Mind with the Cosmic Consciousness at its core. Due to Static Powers under T△'s control within our physical world which tend towards having one central location for all things. The Cosmic Mind maintains a circular movement with Cosmic Consciousness at its center, while the material universe would actually have an elliptical movement (with the real conscious center and the illusory center of physical spacetime forming the two foci of the ellipse). The material universe operates in an elliptical fashion between the concentric circles within and outside the Cosmic Mind.
  As observers, if we believe that we can only observe the inner aspect of mind, it is easy for us to develop a perspective of the mind being separate from the external world. However, if the material universe actually exists within the Cosmic Mind, then the situation becomes one where we observe the individual aspect of the Cosmic Mind inwardly, and the holistic aspect of the Cosmic Mind outwardly. This is the essence of astronomical and cosmological science. We exist on the material universe, which is in elliptical motion between the concentric circles within and outside the Cosmic Mind. When individual mind merges with Cosmic Mind, and individual consciousness merges with Cosmic Consciousness, the concentric circles of the inner and outer aspects come closer to each other. As a result, the elliptical motion of the material universe also approaches a more circular shape, and in terms of spacetime, this manifests as an elevation of spacetime dimensions.
  The radius of time mentioned earlier is essentially the Cosmic Mind of the universe, and the space of cosmic matter is only a spherical surface where all points on the spherical surface are equal. If in the early stages, instead of being a smooth sphere, the universe was like a walnut with wrinkles and folds on its surface, it would mean that there were different distances between each point in space as they passed through the Cosmic Mind of the spherical universe to the Cosmic Consciousness of the central core. This helps us understand how the early primordial ethereal factor (space), following basic geometric principles, evolved from a regular dodecahedron to the current isotropy of cosmic space on the sphere.
  In simple terms: A quantum-level tiny balloon that is basically a regular dodecahedron rapidly expands exponentially to become a huge cosmic balloon similar to our current universe. The original regular dodecahedron has been flattened into a smooth sphere. The regular dodecahedron is projected radially from its center onto this sphere and exists in accordance with spherical geometry. Therefore, physically projecting vacuum geometry onto this sphere also reflects non-physical geometric structures existing within the Cosmic Mind.
  This physical vacuum geometry structure originates from geometrical prototypes within Cosmic Mind which first exist conceptually before being projected into physical space; this projection process manifests as time while simultaneously representing expansion of the universe. As cosmic expansion continues, high temperatures gradually decrease revealing various phase corresponding to material formation; these Five Fundamental Factors(五大) can then be better understood.
  Therefore, these Five Fundamental Factors(五大) correspond respectively to five life energy centers (cakras) located along an individual's spine - starting from bottom up: root cakra (earth), sacral cakra (water), solar plexus cakra (fire), heart chakra (air), throat chakra (ether). In microcosm they are recognized as five basic elements: earth, water, fire wind/air and ether/space.
  At various levels throughout different scales within our cosmos there are respective sets of these Five Fundamental Factors(五大); their naming is based on the intuitive projection of individual human mesocosms onto nature. This intuition is not only sensory and cognitive, but actually comes from the Cosmic Mind projected onto human mind. Conversely, through layer upon layer of projection, as our mind expands to a certain level we also understand that level's Five Fundamental Factors(五大). 
     The physical space projected onto the spherical surface forms the basic stage of the material universe. It is the object witnessed by the relatively subjective Cosmic Mind... It is the manifestation and concretization of the subjective ideas of the Cosmic Mind. This pure vacuum state unfolds the geometric structure of the Cosmic Grid on the surface of the Cosmic Mind(mind plasm). The mind Spacetime Imaginary Entity +mv here becomes the material Spacetime Real Entity –mv, thus at its inception matter and mind exist together as pairs. This paired existence overlaps to form the first single Planck scale Spacetime Real-Imaginary Entity mv. It is a monopolar neutral torus structure66 (the center monopole of this torus structure is the Taiji).It reflects circular motion of Cosmic Mind but Yin-Yang poles are already hidden inside Taiji. Taiji gives birth to Yin-Yang duality(Two Yi兩儀) where 0D geometric point vibration between Yin Yang creates 1D lines ,and then Two Yi give birth to Four Xiang(four quadrants) create 2D planes; these four quadrants give birth to 3D Eight Trigrams Gua. Expressed in the most concise geometric form, it is the developmental process of point, line, triangle, and regular tetrahedron expressing dimension changes from 0 to 3(from 20 to 23,the base 2 means Yin-Yang) .
  2³=8. This is the third multiple growth of Taiji's mv Spacetime Real Entity. At this point, we can only observe its material aspect, hence the Eight Trigrams Gua representing 8 -mvs. Each trigram is represented by three dimensional symbols, and these three dimensions, from top to bottom, represent Heaven, Human, and Earth(天人地三才). They indicate that the 3D space is the layered projection result of consciousness, mind, and matter. Space possesses these three qualities, corresponding faithfully to the Cosmic Power SRT△, with matter being its outermost layer. The generation of the microcosm, at the microscopic level, is the essence of the macrocosm's cyclic evolution.( Heaven-Macrocosm means the whole universe, especially BCcosmos. Human-Mesocosm means the human world. Earth-Microcosm means the subatomic world,especially mvcosmos.)
     If we carefully consider why humans can explore the universe or how such exploration could be possible? Including humans themselves all things are universes containing complete information about everything within them. Theory of Everything  is humanity's greatest dream where myths and religious creation stories lead pure imagination into dreams’ light & shadow exploring mysteries of cosmos while philosophical thinking extends rational boundaries inspiring courage to move forward. Science as our era's spirit enables us to verify principles behind phenomena and cross borders to realize dreams.
  The river of history is about to flow into the cosmic ocean, and we have arrived at the turbulent confluence where waves surge and hidden currents lurk. Science indeed has the potential to achieve great voyages, but it could also lead us to sink in ignorance and arrogance. Increasing evidence suggests that human civilization on Earth spans more than one era, and collective human life undergoes various forms of reincarnation. There may exist umbilical connections between civilizations of different times, and legendary civilizations like Atlantis, as well as many more ancient civilizations, will gradually return to our memory. How did they flourish and how did they meet their demise? What can we learn from ancient wisdom?
  The Earth is not alone, and human life is not unique in the universe. we are part of the universe possessing cosmic geometric language describing creation and evolution of all things.It’s ancient yet mysterious Yi Gua and sacred geometry Flower of Life.


Chapter 1: 1-23, Chapter 2: 24-66, Chapter 3: 67-103, Chapter 4:104-116
Chapter 2
24. Wislawa Szymborska (1923-2012), a Polish female poet and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in1996.

25. There are sixteen vowels that can be classified into short and long sounds as well as compound sounds. For example, "a" is a short sound while "ā"(for the covenince of writing,it’s also written as double “aa”) is a long sound and "au" is a compound sound. Among the vowels there are two fricative sounds which are "aḥ" and "aṃ". The thirty-four consonants include four semi-vowels ya, ra, la, va with their pronunciation categorized by voiceless unaspirated such as ka; voiceless aspirated such as kha; voiced unaspirated such as ga; voiced aspirated such as gha; nasal sound like ṅa for the covenince of writing,it’s also written with an apostrophe as “n’a”); fricative sound like ha; and one special compound consonant kṣa. Vowels and consonants can also be further divided according to the position of articulation in the mouth including throaty sounds, palatal sounds, retroflexed tongue sounds dental or alveolar sounds and labial or bilabial sounds.

     "The human body is a biological machine." The mind directly interacts with glands through hormones and nerves to control this physical machine. This relationship constitutes part of biopsychology.
     Like other living beings in the universe, humans are composed of Five Fundamental Factors (the body being part of centrifugal circulation while the mind belongs to centripetal circulation). Each element spread throughout our bodies is controlled by its corresponding cakra (energy center). Cakras are like stations of the mind, each controlling its own area. Just as the mind operates directly through the brain, cakras operate through their physiological counterparts - endocrine glands.
     The vrttis (propensities of mind) are linked to each cakra and affect hormones secreted by glands (thus affecting emotions, physiological behavior and various bodily functions). However, glands and their hormones also influence the mind.
      Some examples:
      Muladhara Cakra - located at the base of spine - controls solid elements in our body. It forms a foundation for our physical structure. Its related vrttis are fundamental to human psychology: material desire (kama), psychological desire (artha), spiritual desire (dharma) and spiritual liberation (moksa). This lowest cakra is also known as "the abode of dormant divinity" or psychic energy that rises up along with spiritual elevation stages via spinal cord.
     Swadhisthana Cakra - located at genital region- controls liquid elements in our body. It is connected with reproductive gland which once activated gives rise to sense of responsibility, rationality and intelligence in one's psyche.
      Manipura Cakra - located at navel region- controls light element in our body. It is central hub for heat & energy within us. Hormones secreted by associated glands/sub-glands exhibit shy/ashamedness(over-secretion), sadness/depression(over-secretion) & fear(insufficient secretion).
      Anahata Cakra – located at center chest –controls air element in our body.It forms basis for love & higher qualities of humanity.If hormone secretion from this area is high,it will expand child’s love into universal love.When reproductive gland starts functioning,this cakra becomes fully active.
     Vishuddha Cakra –located at throat–controls ether element.Thyroid gland regulates metabolism giving self-reliance ability to psyche.Lack of secretion causes quarrelsomeness& irrationality.Parathyroid gland (located on the other side of thyroid gland) regulates metabolism, develops intellect & rationality. Insufficient secretion from these glands causes vanity.
      Ajna Cakra – located at forehead - directly connected with pituitary gland. This gland controls all the glands below it through its hormones and nerve connections. It is the seat of mind that balances spiritual and secular tendencies and arouses outwardness in psyche during daytime.
      Sahasrara Cakra – located at top of head- Its associated pineal gland is mother of endocrine glands which controls both body & mind. It acts as physiological clock for our body controlling inwardness in psyche during night. The amount of hormone secretion determines joy or sorrow feeling.

27.Sub-glands refer to those glands outside pituitary gland (in Ajna cakra) such as pineal gland (in Sahasrara cakra) and hypothalamus (between pituitary & pineal). Pineal gland has been traditionally considered as abode of soul in spiritual domain. Main control center lies within brain of Ajna & Sahasrara cakras.

28.Glands produce neurotransmitters(hormones),which are mainly transported.

29. As species evolve, the number of Vrttis also varies. Humans clearly have more Vrttis than other animals or simpler microorganisms, giving them a more complex and rich expression of the mind.

30. Spiritual Yoga - Yoga Asana Teaching Reference Manual by The Path of Bliss Meditation Association.

31. This refers to the traditional eight directions on a flat surface and up&down. If we consider space outside of Earth, then eight directions should refer to an average of eight directions in space, which are the directions of the vertices of a tetrahedron star or upright cube. Therefore, what is called up and down actually reflects the direction of gravity (down) and anti-gravity (up). Based on this perspective on gravity's up-down orientation that applies universally across various scales in the universe, for our entire universe as it exists now, facing towards Universe α is considered down while facing towards Universe Ω is considered up. The direction from beginning to end represents time; viewed from this perspective with clockwise motion representing future-facing upwards while counterclockwise motion represents past-facing downwards; present moment standing at center point which is fundamentally where human existence lies within spacetime.

32. This can be seen concretely in Pythagoras' relatively simple and imprecise theory about "form numbers".

33. In Taoism it's referred to as inner vision(內景) but different systems are established to describe human physical energy differently based on subjective factors influencing observation results since observing fine yet relatively intangible levels leads differences between microcosm/macrocosm worlds appearing vastly different leading many descriptions arising like how waves of things entering into different people's subconsciousness form dreams that aren't exactly alike but all trace back to one common prototype nonetheless; thus geometry becomes a science based on prototypes used for describing various mind-body energy systems whereby Plato's Cave Shadow Objects become real things needing light exposure starting from firelight through sunlight until forming the fundamental principle or reality of that universe forming a progressive simulation towards ultimate truth, similar to how Fibonacci sequence in mathematics approaches golden ratio as adjacent numbers' ratio.

34. In the emptiness above the crown cakra there is also a Brahmarandhra cakra.

35. The fifty Sanskrit include 16 vowels from the throat cakra and 34 consonants from other cakras. Meanwhile, all 27 Hebrew letters are consonants with some representing vowels; thus actually corresponding to Sanskrit's 34 consonants (1-4 cakras corresponds to four Yin Gua- Kun坤 Dui兌 Li離 Xun巽 while Earth Water Fire Wind Four Fundamental Factors are empty but their respective sound forms can only truly form within space's sixteen vowel elements in throat cakra; these sixteen vowels exist within space itself while four Yang Gua- Qian乾Gen艮 Kan坎 Zhen震 manifest here). As for mv ether element it is both basic element shared by mind and matter as well as interface where they coexist and interact. Speaking of energy centers/cakras specifically, throat cakra lies between upper Dantian(上丹田) head cavity and middle-lower Dantian(中、下丹田) chest/abdomen cavities. Upper-middle-lower three Dans represent spiritual-mind-body three levels of energy center.(In Daoism, Dantian simlar to Cakra.Dan is the core of Dantian .Daoism used to unify cakras into three Dan system三丹)

36. Throughout humanity's limited history it has generally been believed that religion is much older than science because science limits itself through materialism whereas religion's true essence becomes science's hypothetical enemy but like religion science doesn't need an enemy nor does it need to limit itself through materialism or even use idealistic views like those used by religions to restrict themselves either way. According to archaeology it is highly likely that humanity has experienced multiple cycles of civilization birth/death on Earth with Atlantis being one such example known through legend alone.
     Zecharia Sitchin published a series called Earth Chronicles starting in 1976 which combined archaeological, ancient language, Eastern studies and biblical research to try and recreate a complete history of humanity and Earth's prehistoric civilizations while revealing the forgotten truth behind ancient myths. Mainstream academia has criticized Sitchin's arguments as pseudoscience and pseudo-history due to methodological issues with interpreting ancient texts especially regarding astronomy/science where many errors exist. For example, in 2012 there was widespread public belief in Nibiru star based on cuneiform text from Mesopotamian civilization but ultimately nothing happened. However, Sitchin's reinterpretation of mythology still holds significant meaning by expanding humanity's understanding of itself and universal history.

37. A systematic spiritual civilization founded by Shiva 7,000 years ago. Tantra means breaking through darkness to gain liberation from ignorance; it is equivalent to modern concepts like spiritual cultivation or practice. It is a specific method for spiritual training and lifestyle that is based on empirical science rather than faith-based spirituality which forms the basis for religion instead. In the course of historical development, the two have always coexisted in a competitive relationship, with spiritual cultivation often being implicitly embedded within religion.

38. Yoga, the fusion of one. It means the integration of individual self and universal whole self into one, the concept of unity between heaven and man. In mathematics, 1+1=2 is a combination of quantity, but if 1+1=1 it becomes a qualitative assimilation. The individual evolves from the universe as a part of it; strictly speaking there is no absolutely independent individual, and the original state between individuals and the universe is "one". Yoga aims to return to this "one". Patanjali's Yoga Sutra  was the first systematic presentation of yoga philosophy.

39. The BC cosmic cycle evolution and microvita introduced in this chapter are mainly derived from research on P.R. Sarkar's theory. See Chapter Four of Ananda Sutram and Microvitum in a Nutshell for more information. Also refer to Ideas & Ideaology.

40. Modern science generally discusses the material aspect of the universe, known as cosmology, which differs from the philosophical concept of cosmogony. The former leans towards materialism, while the latter leans towards idealism. However, if the mind and matter are fundamentally inseparable, then materialism and idealism would be based on an even more fundamental foundation, which is the view of the universe from the perspective of consciousness-only (Vijñānavāda). However, consciousness-only alone cannot accomplish the manifestation and operation of the universe, so in terms of manifestation, consciousness-only is referred to as "consciousness-only as ability" (vijñapti-mātra). It represents the dual aspects of consciousness and energy as an integrated whole. Consciousness governs and regulates energy to create the prototype of mind and matter, while energy propels consciousness from potentiality to actuality. From an individual perspective, these may seem like two separate entities, but from the perspective of the entire universe, they are seen as one.

41.See Chapter 3 Section 3 Notes 86-87.

42.The following has been extrapolated from P.R.Sarkar's Brahma Cakra cosmic cycle evolution theory with additional insights by myself.

43. Sakti is the wife of the god Shiva in Indian philosophy and religion. In the context of cosmic consciousness, Shiva is considered as the masculine aspect, while cosmic power is seen as the feminine aspect. Sarkar believes that Shiva was the founder of a spiritual system and social structure 7,000 years ago.
     In terms of culture, Shiva shares a remarkably similar significance with Fuxi, the creator of the Eight Trigrams Gua.
     The tangible world's Fuxi and Shiva are essentially the same in the realm of conceptual prototypes in the intangible world. They are diverse projections of the same prototype in the tangible world. In this sense, Fuxi and Shiva are shadows on the rock wall, while the universal human consciousness is the light of the fire.

44.Consciousness is the common material for mind and matter.

45.Sattvaguna represents sentient power; Rajoguna represents mutative power; Tamoguna represents static power. They correspond respectively to white, red and black colors as abbreviated by SRT in Sanskrit texts. The consciousness within the triangle is Purusottama (the Supreme Entity), when these three binding forces lose balance then Sattvaguna emerges from within the triangle causing consciousness to transform into Mahattattva (I am). Then Rajoguna becomes active giving rise to Ahamtattva (I do) which is the second part of Cosmic Mind. Finally, the third Tamoguna also becomes active, distorting consciousness in another way. It gives a sense of "I have done." This third aspect of the Cosmic Mind is called Mind Plasm(Citta), which objectifies consciousness.

46.In the case of mystical experiences, extraordinary abilities, paranormal phenomena, or so-called supernatural powers, sometimes the visualizations created through imagination can further manifest as actual things in reality.

47.The mechanism for transformation between mind-matter: Mind-thoughts ↔ Geometry ↔ Form ↔ Image ↔ Reality. Refer to Chapter 3, Section 4, the third paragraph from the end.

48.In cosmological theories about universe expansion after its initial Big Bang event everything began with an extremely small quantum state where something came out of nothingness. The beginning and end of the universe are represented respectively by α and Ω.

49.The four fundamental forces include gravity, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force and electromagnetic force.

50.Refer to Figure 4.6 in Chapter4 Section 2

51. The movement of mind is circular, so in the entire BC universal cycle of evolution, the curved RT with centrifugal and centripetal stages will be circular, and it connects tangentially with the extension line of S.

52. Forward centripetal motion develops naturally along with the universe's centripetal movement during its cycle. It is like an unpowered boat drifting downstream that is essentially pure matter or what we call nature. However, a powered boat has enough energy to accelerate back into the ocean of Cosmic Consciousness; it can also go against the current upstream away from this ocean. The former represents spiritual pursuit while the latter represents control and utilization of material world which are fundamental to modern science. Within certain limits these two interact as Yin-Yang forming basis for human civilization where humans are psychological beings capable of deciding their own actions within universal cycle evolution. Excessive accelerated centripetal motion or reverse centripetal motion is equally dangerous, resulting in irrationality and materialization. These situations are not uncommon in both religious and scientific contexts. 

53. The quantum universe is an interpretation of the composition and operation of the entire universe using the methods of quantum physics that governs the micro-subatomic world. Quantum is an indivisible basic unit, and it is believed that all tangible properties can be quantized with specific numerical values as physical quantities. The quantum universe, also known as the microcosm, is the subject of investigation. The difference lies in the fact that the microcosm takes the mv microvita, which is the unity of mind and matter, as its fundamental unit. See Chapter 2, Section 3, " Microvita as Basic Elements for Mind and Matter" 

54. Dissipative structures are open systems far away from thermodynamic equilibrium state, which maintain their own stability by constantly absorbing energy and matter from external environments and releasing entropy to change their environment's conditions. This includes vortices mentioned in Chapter 1, convection currents, cyclones, living organisms, and even a city's operational mode - all being dissipative structures. Dissipative structures explain scientific principles behind "life goes on" phenomenon.
     In thermodynamics, entropy represents a "systematic chaotic disordered state," where with increasing entropy (entropy increase), work capacity decreases; thus entropy measures energy degradation.

55. Amongst five regular polyhedrons (Platonic solids), each face of octahedron (8 faces), icosahedron (20 faces) and tetrahedron (4 faces) are equilateral triangles while cube has square-shaped faces; Each face of the dodecahedron is a pentagon.; hence Plato did not include dodecahedron into his fundamental elements list but he believed that both sphere or dodecahedron could represent our cosmos at different levels respectively.
     If we assume our cosmos was represented by a dodecahedron shape according to Big Bang theory - where it expanded rapidly from extremely small size to current enormous scale - then we can understand how our cosmos was a dodecahedron in its extremely small elemental state. During the initial exponential expansion phase of Big Bang, the surface of dodecahedron was flattened into a sphere, and our material universe is this sphere surface while the sphere itself represents the Cosmic Mind. This is also why modern cosmology believes that there is no center to our material universe on the spherical surface; every point on it moves away from each other during expansion process. Our cosmos in its smallest state "Ether" was a dodecahedron.

56. Theosophy founder Madame Blavatsky (1831-1891).

57. Included in Microvitum in a Nutshell. Microvita is plural form for microvitum, which is Sarkar's newly coined word.

58. Guided by the purpose of the Creator, only the purpose has meaning. This purpose is manifested as a result of energy after filtering and transformation (the one being manifested), and the ultimate manifestation is usually material. The creation of Cosmic Consciousness is purpose-oriented, with emphasis on the goal while allowing for infinite possibilities in the process - this is non-dualism. Guided by the process of returning to and exploring its origin, only the process has meaning. This process involves energy filtering and transformation, and exploring cosmic reality through life is process-oriented; its significance lies within it forming individual rationality and sensibility - this is dualism.
     The great affliction I face comes from having a body(Lao Zi:吾有大患為吾有身); those who fear consequences (眾生畏果)accelerate their spiritual practice towards purpose-orientation through gradual progress from process-orientation due to sublimation of their energy. This happens because there must be only one outcome without any choice: moving from fearing consequences(畏果) to fearing causes(畏因), from duality(有別) to non-duality(無別). Bodhisattvas fear causes(菩薩畏因); they seek an infinite number of causal paths within certain outcomes with ample freedom of choice available to them - this follows centrifugal creation where world-building occurs based on coarsening energies guided from purpose-orientation to processes-orientation. Fearing causes leads to fearing consequences, while non-duality to duality.
     The implicit Posinegative Nature is Explicate Order, then explicit Posinegative Nature is Implicate Order. Explication or implication of Order are states (purpose); The Eximplicate Order of Posinegative Nature is the process towards this states. States (purposes) and processes are also a kind of Posinegative Nature, Yin-Yang, complementary, and mutually inclusive relationship. 
The in-body mind that exist within Explicate Order's material realm (usually expressed as life forms such as "humans"), when they return  to explore conscious energy behind Implicate Order, the process of being manifested by the manifestor, and being created by the creator, are meaningful.
This process involves the manifestation of subtle energy of spiritual abstraction in the form of concrete material world. It occurs through different levels of vibrations such as form, color, and sound, which transform this subtle energy into crude energy of matter. By means of these vibrations, the blind energy is given direction and scope, gradually evolving from subtle to crude mv (−mv) and manifesting as the Five Fundmental Factors of matter. Alternatively, it can be described from the perspective of energism, where the evolution of energy encompasses the manifestations of matter, mind, spiritual consciousness, the cosmic, and individual energy, all stemming from the same underlying energy. This evolution is, in fact, multi-fold and multi-directional.
      From the perspective of human life activities, the continuity of life lies between each inhalation and exhalation. Exhalation represents the centripetal phase of the cosmic BC cycle, merging into the vast ocean of cosmic conscious energy. Inhalation, on the other hand, manifests as individual energy entities (matter, in-body mind) and represents the centrifugal phase of the cosmic BC cycle. Our body and mind are indeed a mesocosm, a concrete manifestation within the countless fractals of the macrocosm. 
it is an intersection point where time progresses with each breath (concealment/revelation), leading to "now," which stops at a single entity in space-time (from spatial perspectives: time-space slices containing all possibilities).
      One cycle of inhalation and exhalation (implicit and explicit) constitutes a temporal process known as the "now"(N) while being fixed upon a cessation of breathe(the moment between inhalation and exhalation ), a singular Spacetime Real Entity (from a spatial perspective, it is a spacetime slice) represents the "present moment" (NN).This includes all possibilities of the present moment, meaning the spacetime slice is the unconverged and contracted state of the Spacetime Real Entity. The Spacetime Real Entity is a theoretical existence, whereas the spacetime slice is its substantial existence.
Free will is the projection of the cosmic mind's intention onto individual consciousness. Process is a dynamic evolution, and free will plays a decisive role in it, making the evolution dynamic. From the perspective of Cosmic Grid, BC, and SRT△ geometry, the purpose is a point (the supreme point, material point, the SRT vertex of the SRT△), and the process is a line (the centrifugal-centripetal motion’s cosmic waves of BC, the three sides of SRT△). The light of celestial bodies, starlight, and the light of all living beings exist in the process of evolution, while the light of liberation and enlightenment, the absolute and unique light, exists at the α-Ω point of the purpose.t(α represents the starting point of the material universe, the Material Point, the singular Spacetime Real Entity, the starting point of centripetal motion, and the endpoint of centrifugal motion. Ω represents the endpoint of the material universe, the Supreme Point, the endpoint of centripetal motion, and the starting point of centrifugal motion. Duality arises from distinction and self, while non-duality arises from non-distinction and non-self.). 
     This core of the universe becomes visible via movement creating BC and forming mind/space-time; this moving dot also becomes a line/wave simultaneously representing both manifested/unmanifested universes while being everything/nothingness - it represents everything yet nothingness and is present throughout acceleration towards centripetal motion within physical/spiritual universes' wave flows guided by goals until reaching TB(point tangential to eternal line and curved part of BC) from where the universe returns to spiritual levels before becoming balanced SRT△ or even just a state of non-action at the core of the universe, where even Cosmic Consciousness's attribute - universal power SRT△ - is not manifested.
     Once the singular point at the core of the universe is set in motion, it gives rise to BC and creates consciousness and spacetime. This moving point simultaneously functions as a point, a line, and a wave. It embodies both the manifested and the unmanifested aspects of the universe. It is both the state of existence and the state of non-existence, encompassing all things and yet transcending them. In short, it is the point of intersection between the cycle of BC and the absence of BC, known as the TB point.( P.R. Sarkar named it Taraka Brahma, the liberated Supreme Consciousness of the universe. That is, the emptiness of the universe, which we call the ultimate reality, and the Supreme Consciousness of the universe, are one and the same. It is the true self of all beings. Indeed, individual rationality can only comprehend it through this limited approach, by imagining it in the image of the individual self. The human mind is like a mirror, reflecting the true self and the cosmic reality. This phenomenon is prevalent in religion. It is certainly not the ultimate understanding of the cosmic reality, but undoubtedly, it has guided the process of life at least once, being placed within cosmic cycle of BC, accelerating the wave’s flow of mind-material universe  at it’s centripetal motion. Geometrically, it is the point of tangency between the eternal straight line and the curved part of the BC cycle. For us, it manifests in the centripetal stages of T and R. After these two stages, the universe returns to the spiritual level and merges into the balanced SRT triangle, or even into a state of inaction at the core of the universe. Even the the attributes of Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Power SRT △, do not manifest.)
When we focus on Material Points, we also focus on Supreme Points that create Material Points. This transforms attribute-less non-dualistic supreme Cosmic Consciousness into dualistic Supreme-Material Points because we stand within individual conscious minds' process towards centripetal motion guided by ultimate goals. Therefore, it is said that “things” will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme(物極必反) rather than “Dao”. As Lao zi said: "The Dao gives birth to one; One gives birth to two; Two gives birth to three; Three gives birth to all things." Moving from matter towards Dao follows process’s centripetal motion while moving from Dao towards matter follows purpose’s centrifugal motion.
     If the universe is a super brain, its basic operation is based on countless Yin-Yang nodes connected by gateways to form a cosmic network. Geometrically speaking, this can be the Cosmic Grid, from the core of the super brain(Supreme Point) to the Material Point of  this super brain’s self-manifestation in the material world. There are countless paths between them. The imagery of Yi Gua represents these paths (centripetal and centrifugal), From purpose to purpose, the process in between is the pathway on the network. Countless nodes (the three vertices S, R, T of SRT△) are divided into two at each node and choose either Yin or Yang at each division point. Countless such binary choices construct countless paths among nodes, while a series of Yin or Yang selections on each node marks out that particular path. The arrangement of Yi Gua’s Yao grams represents this meaning; it indicates both what has been achieved - namely, Material Points - and their spacetime slices. Therefore, geometrically speaking, everything has its own Taiji. Taiji is the purpose node of a point, while Yao is the process pathway of a line. Countless potential pathways converge and contract into a unique one. This is the establishment of the Gua, which is the result of process interpretation.
     The two ends of things can be interchanged due to their interpretation as either purpose or process. In this way, the limitations of general logic are bypassed, allowing for multiple interpretations. Each interpretation represents a different aspect of the same thing, or more precisely, various phases originating from the same thing are topologically regarded as indistinguishable. This is what is meant by bypassing the limitations of general logic and is an unfolding of individual rationality and consciousness.
     Interpreted according to purpose: BC's centrifugal evolution takes S as Yin-Yang Two Yi; Interpreted according to process: BC's centripetal evolution takes T as Yin-Yang Two Yi; This constitutes first dimensionality also determining clockwise/counterclockwise order for SRT△ establishing differential consciousness in individual minds whose essence lies essentially in R itself if we take T-dimensioned Yao as dualism (initial Yao T, middle Yao R, upper Yao S) then the time sequence is TRS i.e. centripetal cycle after BC Material Point creation thus drawing Gua Yao grams from bottom to top and from T to R to S which is precisely a BC centripetal evolution; spacetime universe evolves on this order and people view the world based on process interpretation.

59. See also " Five Fundamental Factors(五大)" in Chapter 3 Section 3 for comments on the relationship between Five Fundamental Factors(五大), physics and mv microvita.

60. The basic unit of space-time in real dimensionality is Spacetime Real Entity -mv; The basic unit of space-time in imaginary dimensionality is Spacetime Imaginary Entity +mv.

61. Qiu Chuji (1148-1228), founder of Quanzhen Taoism(道教全真派), was Wang Chongyang's (王重陽)disciple.

62. There are crows during daytime and sunspots on the sun; there are shadows of jade rabbits during moonlit nights. Crows, rabbits, suns and moons are often used metaphorically for time.

63. Bindu means "point" in Sanskrit language; it constitutes subtle body with Qi (prana)forming energy form of life reincarnation subject while Five Fundamental Factors(五大) constitute coarse body fleshly embodiment thereof.

64. Attachment to Dharma principle of existence.
65. Planck length and Planck time: The amount of time required for light traveling through vacuum to cover one Planck length distance equals one Planck time.
Planck length ≈ 1.616199×10 - 33 cm
Planck time ≈ 5.39106×10 - 44 s
66.See Chapter 4 Section 2 Figure 4.7/4.8 Taiji MKB sphere-torus.