
“Searching for Universal Language in Geometric Yi ”(幾何易-宇宙共通語言的尋找). This is the English web version of "Mind DNA,The Geometric World of Spiritual Symbols" (心靈DNA,靈性符號的幾何世界) by Satyavan He (何建桐 He Jiantong).The English translation of Chapters 1, 2 and 4 has been confirmed, and Chapter 3 is under revision.


Contents & Preface

*Translated from Chinese to English using ChatGPT3.5. It will be continued to be revised.(First revision 2023.5.26)

*Click here to view the original web version in Chinese:contents & preface.

Mind DNA ,
The Geometric World 
of Spiritual Symbols
 by  Satyavan He 何建桐
To the editor and all potential readers:

The vast majority of the figures and tables were drawn by the author himself. A few, indicated with an asterisk (*) after the caption, are referenced from elsewhere. The figures and tables in the book are numbered as follows: Figure 3.14  is 14th of Chapter 3. Figures 1.20, 2.6, 3.62, and 4.11, totaling 99 illustrations. Figure 2.2 was drawn on December 2, 2002, and it is desired to preserve the original hand-drawn version (please refer to the caption for the reasons). Due to the larger size and denser content of the original figure, it may be necessary to split it into two parts if needed. The text within the figures and tables is mostly in simplified Chinese characters, while the redrawn parts in the writing process are preferably in traditional Chinese characters.
There are a total of 116 original footnotes by the author. Some of the annotations are relatively long. If future editors add annotations, please indicate them as "Editor's Note" for distinction.
Due to the extensive use of Roman alphabets, it is recommended to format the entire book in horizontal orientation for ease of reading. If possible, create a vocabulary index based on Chinese Pinyin.
The total word count is approximately over 110,000 words. Chapter 3 has a larger length, and if necessary, it can be divided into two chapters, expanding the book to five chapters.
The reference list and literature are attached at the end of the preface. For diligent readers, they actually outline the entire concept and the origins of ideas, providing important context. It is hoped that they can be preserved.
The three main themes in the book: Yi (the Book of Changes), Sacred Geometry, and Yoga Science and Philosophy, are not easy subjects to grasp. Although the chapters are ordered by text, the relationship between the illustrations and the text is parallel rather than hierarchical. This is why some captions and annotations are lengthy and can even be independent essays, as mentioned in Section 2 of Chapter 3, "interpretation of images& image-based interpretations"(圖解/解圖)
Adopting a nonlinear reading approach, either in form or in consciousness, will contribute to a better understanding of the ideas expressed in the book. This is because the fundamental spirit of this book is the multidimensional concept of "Civilizations Hyperlink" (Chapter 3, Section 4) encompassing geometric logic, mythical dreamscape, and scientific principles.
It is hoped to have the opportunity to publish a simplified Chinese edition.
Thank you in advance for your patient editing, as the text and content of this book may be somewhat stubborn.
Thanks to the heavens and all potential readers. The final completion of this book was in March 2014.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: The Shape of Sound
     Section 1: Who Sees the Sound
  Section 2: Language and Writing
  Section 3: The Secrets of Light and Sound
  Section 4: Music and Notes
  Section 5: Pythagoras' Dream

Chapter 2: From Macrocosm to Microcosm 
     Section 1: Sanskrit Alphabet and Chakras 
  Section 2: Cosmic Cyclic Evolution 
  Section 3: Microvita as Basic Elements for Mind and Matter 
  Section 4: The Geometry Interface of Light between Inner and Outer Worlds 

Chapter 3: The Geometric World of Spiritual Symbols 
   Section 1: The Geometric Origin of  the Yi Gua  
  Section 2: Cultural Positioning and Scientific Perspective of the Yi
  Section 3: Taiji Merkaba of Platonic Solid Nesting
     Section 4: Hyperlink beyond Civilizations

Chapter4: Towards Spiritual Science 
     Section 1: Classical and Modern Spiritual Science  
  Section 2: Prospectives on the Spiritual Science of Taiji Merkaba
     Section 3: Dreams and Awakening  


     Liberating the gravity of our minds, we soar freely; in the realm of thought, freedom is the only law unless we choose to abandon it. Many seemingly impossible and extraordinary things happen around us all the time. The world is indeed chaotic, but regardless, we must believe or assume something - even if it means deceiving ourselves - and have faith in anything that can be named. Strangely enough, when the meaning of "human" sleeps and temporarily disappears into nothingness, that unconscious space accommodates the entire universe because humans are free beings endowed with infinite imagination and curiosity.
     Various myths and philosophies about how the universe was created have been passed down through ancient wisdom. However, humanity cannot be satisfied with this alone. Modern science has even calculated that this current universe is 13.7±1 billion years old; nevertheless, we remain perplexed by what lies beyond infinity despite its finite age so long ago. What did our ancestors think? How should we move forward?
     Several representative cosmological theories in human civilization include Western sacred geometry Merkaba - Flower of Life , Eastern Taiji and the priciples of Yi - Yoga Spiritual Science Philosophy on Cosmic Consciousness & Power. Through understanding Cosmic Power 's three attributes: Sattva guna, Raja guna, Tama guna on cosmic power via yoga spiritual science philosophy to establish a geometric grid based on connecting them through circles & triangles as universal geometric language elements forming Taiji Merkaba(Taiji MKB) describing geometrical structure of cosmic energy including its manifestation at matter- mind-spiritual levels.
     The research method approach with macro-microcosm,process & proposes interpretation and "Eximplicate Order of Posinegative Nature."(同反顯隱EOPN,The Explicate & Implicate Order of Positive & Negative Nature) by reinterpreting microvita(mv) & Brahma Cakra(BC), establishing a dynamic causal relationship reference system called "Cosmic Grid," which classical version includes Flower of Life & Yi Gua. Nodes (points) and paths (lines) are distributed on the cosmic grid, which are fundamental elements of ○ and △, as well as the basic principles of Tetractys(refer to Ch.1 section 5 figure 1.19 the fourth triangular number 1+2+3+4), Taiji(太極), Two Yi(兩儀), Four Xiang(四象),and Eight Trigrams Gua(八卦) Dao gives birth to one; one gives birth to two; two gives birth to three; three gives birth to all things.(道生一,一生二,二生三,三生萬物). Following this logic ultimately leads to minimalistic mathematical geometry that is the spatiotemporal spirit of the universe. Therefore, further research into the nature of space-time is inevitable. The entire universe is filled with multiple levels of nodes and paths that make up a Cosmic Grid - Flower of Life; any existing "individual self" is a replica of "the whole," and any individual existence itself is also a Cosmic Grid - Flower Of Life.The Dao is within it. "This is that." Humans generally seek science externally and seek spirituality internally, but in reality, there is no external or internal. Science is spirituality, and spirituality is science.
From the BC Brahma Cakra diagram, it is concluded that the supreme point is inseparable from the material point (HE祂 = it它). This Taiji & Two Yi phenomenon forms a holistic cycle from centrifugal to centripetal, and then this manifested cycle forms another level of cycle with the unmanifested or non-existent. Thus, we see that there may not be a true entity between them. What exists is an endless and formless self-sufficient existence based on the interdependent relationship of causality. This is the ineffable Dao, the formless, egoless, non-dual, and non-mind. The merging of phenomena is called yoga, the unity of heaven and humanity. It is particularly close to the natural state, especially at birth, deep sleep, death, the Bardo intermediate state, and the gap between inhalation and exhalation.
     "Light" is the simplest direct expression in language for describing the universe in 4-dimensional spacetime. It's also one of humanity's greatest cultural achievements that demonstrates equality among all beings; it serves as both boundary and connection between this world and beyond. All kinds of spiritual practices, imagination, emotions & life activities along with science, rationality, faith & culture converge here to form human society's network where collective consciousness ascends to higher dimensional cosmic grids through this gateway following natural laws governing universal waves' flow. On the path of converging flows, science returns from materialism to spirituality, and spirituality returns from faith to science. In this spirit, the realization of individual self and exploration of the entire universe are the true essence of spiritual science, embodying the middle way.
     Integrating research on Yi Studies,sacred geometry and yoga spiritual science philosophy author attempts to propose "Geometric Yi " perspective based on “Taiji MKB” core concept. From its literal meaning alone rather than establishing a new branch under Yijing study it directly explores original appearance and essence by tracing back from geometric viewpoint towards three-line trigrams and six-line hexagrams Gua structure. In recent decades "3D-Yi" has experimented many possibilities in this regard achieving certain results mainly revealing how Yi may have been an actual physical object providing useful evidence such as unearthed artifacts like Hanshan Jade Tablet(含山玉版) or Xue Jia Gang Pottery Ball(薛家崗六孔陶球) dating back to the late Neolithic period over 5000 years ago. The most typical geometric object is the pyramid that appears in many ancient civilizations, which embodies integration of objective material world, subjective spiritual world and transcendent spiritual consciousness beyond subjectivity/objectivity at macro/microcosmic levels; culturally it represents an inseparable unity of science, philosophy & religion. This inseparable unity is what we call Spiritual Science - classical spiritual science exists in religions and mysticism through spiritual practices while modern Spiritual Science further expands from human microcosm to research on macro cosmic universe and subatomic micro-cosmos.
     When facing the largest and smallest aspects of the material world, one inevitably enters the spiritual world of the universe. The spiritual achievements of the universe create the material world, which in turn evolves into individual consciousness. Individual consciousness continuously unfolds and reintegrates into the Cosmic Consciousness within Maya's dreamlike illusion. In simple terms, we live inside a virtual reality created by Cosmic Consciousness, where we are both actors on stage and audience members at once. We exist within an incredibly real illusion; sacred geometry attempts to depict various possible structures of this virtual reality. The Dao or the ultimate reality of the universe is a blueprint created through geometry. This is also the fundamental essence of the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life, which has been passed down in Western civilization. The ancient Indian civilization's Yantras and Mandalas also align with this concept, using geometry to connect the mind and matter, and to strive towards the spiritual ultimate goal of the universe. This phenomenon, in fact, appears widely in various human civilizations. Delving into the world of geometric symbolism opens up the cosmic Mandala of the Flower of Life.
     The world is one entity, and the universe is one family - this is not just a dream but an existing fact that we need to rediscover as our eternal memory. Geometric Yi serves as a symbol for spirituality that represents this eternal memory. It returns to the fundamental geometric structure of Yi, attempting to provide us with an aerial view that allows us to see all possible paths leading up to mountain top simultaneously instead of being confined by cultural beliefs in only one path - such attachment ultimately leads to various entanglements and dogmatism.
     Paths have life cycles with growth, change, birth and death; they are not exclusive or absolute but require holistic observation for their true essence. Yi constructs geometries based on Yin-Yang hexagrams Gua Yao describing these possibilities: from three line trigrams Yao representing heaven-human-earth (spirit-mind-body) defining space's basic structure. It encompasses numerous dualistic states such as real and unreal, yin and yang, tangible and intangible, abstract and concrete, ultimately returning to the unity of the primordial Taiji.    
     Yi's fundamental spirit lies in searching for a common language between civilizations through its geometric patterns - it serves not only as an umbilical cord connecting past-present civilizations but also connects Earth civilization with extraterrestrial ones genuinely. Currently, humans do not truly understand their history nor future due to uncertainty caused by fear leading them towards exploiting other species' ecological systems on planets including Earth. Fear has dominated civilization. As a whole, both the state and religion have absorbed the nutrients necessary for their survival in this situation. These nutrients are powerful, but they are akin to chemical fertilizers, ultimately damaging the soil nurtured by our Earth Mother.    
     After more than ten years of exploration, time has passed by in a flash without forging any swords. It was just an unconscious dream - a spiritual journey, an intellectual adventure, and the most beautiful memory in real life. We look forward to the moment of awakening when everyone will witness the radiance of truth themselves; realizing that the world is one entity and moving towards universal unity.
     The greatest secret of the universe is that there are no secrets. 
     Wishing for the continuous expansion of your soul and paying homage to the divinity within you.

     The author has added a large number of captions and annotations (99 figures and 116 original notes) outside of this article. Some of the captions and annotations are lengthy and can be read independently. The following are some important reference books and literature in the research process: 
     1. Ananda Sutram, especially Chapter 4, Idea and Ideology translated version Intrinsic Nature and Enlightenment, Microvitum in a Nutshell by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. Macroscopic Brahma Cakra cosmic evolution, mv microvita microscopic basic elements for mind and matter were proposed by P.R.Sarkar from the modern revival of primitive tantric yoga scientific philosophy. The initial research on this book mainly originated from this.
     2. Yi Studies (易學)and Dandao(丹道): Zhou Yi(周易), Silk Book Yi(帛書易), Jing Fang Yi(京房易), Zhou Yi Cantongqi (周易參同契).
     3.The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life, especially Chapters 12-14 discussing "Merkaba", Living in the Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek, which respectively discuss external/internal merkaba light body activation. Readers can compare traditional descriptions such as Rainbow Body(虹光身), Golden Dan(金丹) with concepts such as Source Field(David Wilcock), Divine Matrix(Gregg Braden), i.e., Cosmic Grids. Ascension Magic Chapter21("practice of merkaba")by Christopher Penczak is another perspective that can be referred to regarding Merkaba, especially Fibonacci sequence's relationship with Yin-Yang tetrahedron(Yin Gua,Yang Gua).
     4.Pythagoras, Timaeus by Plato. Sacred geometry & Plato’s elemental triangle.
     5.David Bohm's explicate order and implicate order, or The unfolded order & The enfolded order (see Figure 2.6 for an explanation of the " Eximplicate Order of Posinegative Nature " methodology).
     6.Entering Fuxi by Guo Zhicheng and Guo Tao(郭志成、郭濤). It summarizes the research results of modern "three-dimensional Yi," describing many pioneering studies on the geometric structure of Yi Gua. In addition, Yi Suo(易索) by Shang Gui (商桂) can be referred to.
     7.Tibetan Book of  the Dead (Bardo Todol Chenmo 中陰度亡經), as well as general research on near-death experiences.
     8.Author Satyavan's webpage "Manifestation and Evolution of Cosmic Consciousness", as well as research notes (2002-2013).
     9.Other online information resources.