
“Searching for Universal Language in Geometric Yi ”(幾何易-宇宙共通語言的尋找). This is the English web version of "Mind DNA,The Geometric World of Spiritual Symbols" (心靈DNA,靈性符號的幾何世界) by Satyavan He (何建桐 He Jiantong).The English translation of Chapters 1, 2 and 4 has been confirmed, and Chapter 3 is under revision.


English- Chinese Vocabulary Comparison(英漢詞彙對照)

巨觀大宇宙 Macrocosm (the whole universe)
人觀小宇宙 Mesocosm (the human world)
微觀微宇宙 Microcosm (the subatomic world,especially mvcosmos)
The “大、小宇宙”are generally translated as marcrocosm and microcosm, but the Chinese microcosm usually means "human being". Considering that mv microvita is the basis of microcosm, “微宇宙” is designated as microcosm, and meso, which is between marco and micro, is designated as humanistic microcosm(人觀小宇宙).
This translation is in line with the Trigrams Yao(三爻)of the heaven,humankind and the earth (天人地consciousness spirituality, mind and heart, and material body).Humankind habitating between heaven and earth is a spirit, mind, and body life led by the mind.

Ch 1
八卦Eight Trigrams Gua 64卦64 Hexagrams Gua
512卦512 Nonagrams Gua 4096卦4096 Dodecagrams Gua
3 Trigrams Yao三爻,6 Hexagrams Yao六爻,
9 Nonagrams Yao九爻,12 Dodecagrams Yao十二爻
3D Trigrams Yao三維爻,6D Hexagrams Yao六維爻
9D Nonagrams Yao九維爻,12D Dodecagrams Yao十二維爻
Taiji(太極origin,0D), Two Yi(兩儀Yin-Yang axis,1D), Four Xiang(四象four quadrants,2D),and Eight Trigrams Gua(八卦3D),原點(點)、XY坐標軸(線)、四象限(面)、八象限(體),一個楊輝三角(巴斯卡三角)2的0-3次方
"the great container has no contains." (大器免成)Its meaning corresponds to that of "the great tone has no sound" (大音希聲)and "the great phase has no form."(大象無形)

Ch 2
參見圖3.51之說明See description in Figure 3.51
至上本體Supreme Entity 相對真實relative reality 宇宙本體Cosmic Entity
至上意識Brahma(supreme conciousness)Brahma means “the Entity which is great and has the capacity to make others great.”
已顯現的宇宙意識manifested Cosmic Consciousness未顯現unmanifested-
宇宙意識(意識) Cosmic Consciousness (認知原理the Cognitive Principle) Purusa, or Shiva. Prama Purusa至上意識Brahma(supreme conciousness)
宇宙力量(造化勢能) Cosmic Power/Force/Energy (運作原理the Operative Principle) Prakrti, or Shakti
目證本體witnessing entity 屬性attributes( SRTguna,binding principles束縛力量)
我覺Mahattattva - feeling of我是 “I am” ,S悅性力量sentient power
個體我覺unit mahat (existential “I-feeling”)我存在
我執Ahamtattva -feeling of我做 “I do” ,R變性力量 mutative power 個體我執unit aham (“doer I”)我做
我已做 Cittatattva (心靈質Mind Plasm “I have done” feeing ,done I) ,T惰性力量static power我已做
Cosmic Ciitta宇宙心靈質
Cosmic Consciousness, Purusa.( Cosmic Mind(Cosmic Mahat, Aham and Citta(五大)))
Five Fundamental Factors(五大): 空ethereal factor (space)以太, 風aerial (gas)氣, 火luminous (heat/light)光, 水liquid 液,地solid固
五行Five Elements (五行)
大宇宙心靈Cosmic Mind
小宇宙心靈是大宇宙心靈的縮影」。所以心靈來自物質,物質-經由大宇宙心靈-來自至上意識。 “the microcosm is a miniature of the Macrocosm.” It can therefore be seen that mind comes from matter, and matter – via the Cosmic Mind – in turn comes from Consciousness.
離心循環Saincara(Centrifugal cycle) 向心循環Pratisaincara. (Centripetal cycle) , 向心-回歸階段returning phase 個體心靈 individual’s unit mind
有餘三摩地Savikalpa “with vikalpa,” or “with mental thought or feeling.”
有餘解脫liberation, or mukti.個體心靈()融入大宇宙心靈(Cosmic Mind)
無餘三摩地Nirvikalpa Samadhi “without vikalpa,” or “without mental thought or feeling.
無餘解脫salvation, or moksa. unit mind→Cosmic Consciousness
俱屬性宇宙本體Saguna Brahma,至上意識存在為核心的目證本體nucleus Witnessing Entity及變形的大宇宙心靈metamorphosed Cosmic Mind(和宇宙universe)。
無屬性宇宙本體Nirguna Brahma至上意識只存在於無變形的狀態(此處的造化勢能是蟄伏的)。 state of pure consciousness純意識
究竟解脫moksha 個體意識 “Atman” ,unit consciousness
離體心bodiless mind合體心in-body mind
生物機器 biological machine,機器生物machine biology
習性vrttis (心緒傾向 propensities of mind)
海底輪-固元素 Muladhara(Root Cakra), solid factor
生殖輪-液元素Svadhisthana(Sacral Cakra), liquid factor
臍輪-光元素Manipura(Solar Plexus Cakra ), luminous factor
心輪-氣元素Anahata(Heart Cakra), aerial factor.
喉輪-乙太元素Vishuddha(Throat Cakra), ethereal factor
眉心輪-腦下腺Ajina(Third Eye Cakra), pituitary gland.
頂輪-松果體Sahasrara(Crown Cakra), pineal gland
自我了悟self-realization 大我Self小我self
法性Dharma, nature,characteristic,property
理念波流 ideological flow
三摩地Samadhi suspension of mind into its object心靈懸止於它的客體裡
俱屬性宇宙本體-有餘三摩地Saguna Brahma( Attributional Consciousness), savikalpa Samadhi
無屬性宇宙本體-無餘三摩地Nirguna Brahma(Non-Attributional Entity), nirvikalpa samadhi
宇宙核心Purusottama,Cosmic Core ,The Purusa inside the triangle is the nucleus of the universe三角形內的意識是宇宙核心
中脈Middle Nadi (Susumna,) 宇宙中脈Cosmic Middle Nadi
左脈Left Nadi (Ida) Middle Nadi or Central Chanel
右脈Right Nadi (Pingala)
Infinite Emptiness無極空 合力combined force 有曲度運動curved motion
順、逆、加速向心forward centripetal motion, reverse centripetal motion & accelerated centripetal motion 波動vibration vibrate
巨觀大宇宙 Macrocosm (the whole universe, especially BCcosmos)
人觀小宇宙 Mesocosm (the human world)
微觀微宇宙 Microcosm (the subatomic world,especially mvcosmos)
心光mind-light 物光matter-light(physic) 時空實體spacetime real entity
宇宙理性Cosmic Rationality
小我大我ego of individual consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness
Cosmic Rationality(宇宙理性), Ultimate Emptiness(究竟空), Dao(道), God(上帝) or Reality(實相) 過程目的解釋Process Purpose Interpretation
空間自由度-時間任意度Space Freedom and Time Arbitrariness
共業collective karma 實維虛維real dimension imaginary dimension
自性inherent nature,self-nature
整體無別undifferentiated as a whole 個體有別differentiated as an invidual
微光photon of light 玄量microcosmic mysterious quantity
Bardo(中陰) means a middle stage of the afterlife,also the tansitional phase between the two) mind-material Spacetime Real-Imaginary Entity –mv心物時空實虛體+ - mv 單極中性環體monopolar neutral torus
太極生陰陽兩儀Taiji gives birth to Yin-Yang duality(two Yi)
無別non-duality (非二元論)non-dualism
The implicit Posinegative Nature同反隱 is Explicate Order(顯秩序),then explicit Posinegative Nature(同反顯) is Implicate Order(隱秩序)
mv's basic principle that + - mv total quantity is constant but proportionally variable.
Mv基本原理總量恆定比例變化+ – mv basic principle: constant quantity, proportional change,