*Click here to view the original web version in Chinese:intro.
[The brief description of my study involves incorporating the three spiritual, mind, and physical properties (Sattvaguna, Rajoguna, Tamoguna) of the cosmic force (prakrti) in yoga cosmology into the three lines (三爻three Yao of trigrams: upper, middle, lower) of the Yijing trigram(Yi Gua), and establishing a geometric structure (Geometric Yi) by tracing back to integrate with sacred geometry (Flower of Life, Merkaba tetrahedron) to form the Taiji MKB (Taiji Merkaba Cosmic Energy Geometry) theory as the basis of "SRT△ Cosmic Grid Flower of Life Taiji MKB." The aim is to establish a scientific system of spiritual science that unifies the Macrocosm, human Mesocosm, and Microcosm(大-小-微宇宙).]